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  1. F

    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    OK here we go again, I suggest that you stay on the other forum, you seem to be annoyed by my post for some reason or other, you need to know that you came to the wring forum :), go stay on YOUR forum where you can say your fake wows to the poor future CI people who only looking for some honest...
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    Cochlear Implant Patients.

    Hi Deb1hd, good luck with your implant, are you getting N5?
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    no I'm not into social butterfly anymore, lol, I was just telling nichola how my previous life was :)
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    Profoundly deaf - anyone like me, have CI?

    I hate it when these audi treat us like retard of some type, I had an audi who thought she is better than anyone, she would look at me like I'm nothing, I changed her and never looked back
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    Cochlear Implant Patients.

    zebadee2010, you only have 3 weeks to get activated, I like this as I hate the waiting 4 weeks, I can't wait to see how you will do, seeing you losing your hearing at such young age and all of sudden I'm hoping that the new year brings happiness to you more than ever.
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    Nicohla, yes I too want to do well in groups as I was more like social butterfly before my hearing goes down, lol. I don't have CI so I can't tell you how this will help with groups and things, may be some other CI users here can tell you their experience, so far it seems that people are doing...
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    HHIssues, do we really have to take verbal therapy lessons, what did they recommend them to you since you were hard of hearing before and you may be had good speech, right?, I hate lessons, lol So why did they upgrade the processor, what is the difference between harmony and N5?
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    Sets, wow, we very similar but I started in around 12 years back I was around 23 when it started and it took 2 years to go to medium to severe, how long did you use your HA before CI?
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    Cochlear Implant Patients.

    zebadee2010, are you set on Dec.14th surgery date? what brand? best luck for you, can't wait to see you activated :)
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    Cochlear Implant Patients.

    sr171soars, very nice of you to respond in details for all of these questions, I know I was not the one who asked them but you did great job in helping others including me :) It nice to see some people doing good with CI, it gives me a lot of hope
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    Profoundly deaf - anyone like me, have CI?

    Frisky, how long your husband had the CI, which one is it the freedom, it is very good that he is doing great and likes it more than the HA, how was his hearing loss before
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    Profoundly deaf - anyone like me, have CI?

    JClarke, wow it's been 2 years and now you are coming back to give it try, may be we end up doing it together at the same time, who knows, I wish you the best, that answer from your audi is frankly rude, I would change that audi immediately and go to someone that have a better attitude. Go for...
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    HHissues, that's wonderful that you are liking your CI, how long have you had it on? is it Freedom? how do you like it
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    nichola, are you getting CI, when and which one?
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    Beowulf I just felt rushed by everyone, either some brand users or CI audi or surgeons, one surgeon wanted to see me one week and have the survey following week, I was like WTF, hold on, I'm trying to see if YOU as a surgeon FIT enough to operate on me, I need to sort out things before he opens...
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    Deaffy, my problem is I met one CI audi and I felt a little pushed to do the CI and I felt that my test were not complete, I wanted them to do the hearing tests with HA not that the results will let me not to do the CI but I felt it will be fair enough to do all tests, this alone let me feel a...
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    Set2 thank you so much for taking the time and explain what happened to you, you have no idea how much you are helping people like me, I'm jealous of your courage to do one even go bilateral this is not easy to go through, the fact that your hearing loss was around 90-100 db and you have had...
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    deaffy, I keep thinking what "IF" Ci won't work for some reason or, then I will have an ear that is gone forever, this is hard when you have 90db loss, if I at 110 or 120 db then yes I may have nothing to lose at that stage, but at this point at least I can put in the hearing aids and...
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    Who else doesn't like digital hearing aids?

    There is something call skinit or similar, you can cover the hearing aid with it and choice so many colors, pictures, very cool, they may do custom skin, they have same for CI
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    Who else doesn't like digital hearing aids?

    I agree on this, but found that my old oticon digital do better with music compared to 2010 models, those latest ones suck at music. Did you try to listen to music with some neck loop or bluetooth, the music is way better than if you listen to it with just hearing aid itself