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  1. F

    Deb got turned on today

    You were hearing the phone without a hearing aid?, so your hearing loss was less than 100db? or more? I'm sorry about the tinnitus, did you have it before or it came with the CI, if it came with CI then this is horrible, I hate it when I get the tinnitus
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    Deb got turned on today

    Deb How did you hear before your CI, did you use HA, did you benefit at all from them, were you able to hear with HA, what exactly you were getting of the HA? Did you use the phone before? what the drs thinks of your results of the CI will be?
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    Deb got turned on today

    Deb, thanks for the update, keep us posted.
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    Zebadee's Activation.

    Deb, good luck on Thursday, please update up on a new thread when you get activated, how was your hearing before the CI?
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    Zebadee's Activation.

    That's so amazing to hear, I hope that you will get better on the phone soon, you are only one week out. The phone is so important to me and that's why I'm holding off the implant for now until I feel that I can do good with it
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    Zebadee's Activation.

    This is amazing, I'm so happy for you :)
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    Zebadee's Activation.

    Zebadee, wow, congratulation, I'm so happy for you. What do you hear now, can you understand when your mom or friends talk to you, or do you just hear sound and not speech?
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    Cochlear Implant Patients.

    zebadee2010, your activation is going be next week, right :), wow I wish you the best, please keep in touch with us, never mind what other people are arguing with you.
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    Michael Chorost Articles

    Never liked his book, as he does his best to not put much info anywhere so you buy the book, nothing about his books is scientific or much helpful, I bet he did $$$$$$$ from folk like us reading it, we should get percentage of the sales
  10. F

    Oh please help me

    I'm sorry for this, we live and learn I advise you not to ask your employer to pay for it in part or in full or whatever, you will be red flagged in his/her book, go get a loan and move on. Plus I would add insurance if I were you, my HA used to cost me $100/year insurance or even more but it...
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    Nucleus 5 video

    Deaffy, does this means the processor automatically go to t-coil mode when you put your phone next to your ear, did you use it this way? can you hear your own voice when it turns to t-coil mode? if not then this may be a problem as I hate not to hear my voice when I talk
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    Nucleus 5 video

    Deaffy, very nice video thank you Can you use a bluetooth loopiest or headset with the implant, anyway to make the processor bluetoothable, lol, like I have Oticon HA in which they are bluetooth and have something called streamer that I use for phone and Ipod
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    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    I did not like his book and I just borrowed it never bought it, he tries his best not to say anything online about his experience so he forces people to buy his book and he makes $$$ out of us, even in his book there is not much to help people like us most of his writing were about his opinion...
  14. F

    Getting CI- Confused not sure what to do

    Hi Ron, thanks, you meant Cochlear America, right, it looks like you have same spelling software I have in my Iphone it keeps changing the words I type, LOL So you said you had your implant for a year now, can you please tell me how was your hearing before and how the implant is working for you...
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    Cochlear Implant Patients.

    wow amazing dog, are all hearing dogs like that? how much do they cost? I don't have a vibrating or flashing fire alarm and I guess I will be cooked very well if there is a fire, I need to start getting things like those, vibrating alarms and stuff. My cat get alarmed when he hears the door...
  16. F

    well it finally happened

    Sorry to hear about the hearing problems, I hope that the CI works for you :)
  17. F

    Do you think the Phonak Nadia is comparable to the Oction Sumo?

    I have Oticon agile the power ones and they work great and have little mold things and receivers in the mold not these huge plastic molds. I once tried naiad phonic after using oticon for like 7 years I could not go with phonic the sound quality was so different I just hated it, I felt that...
  18. F

    Cochlear Implant Patients.

    Zebadee, what was the accident? did you hurt both ears, how is the heck did this happens? both ears, eyes? sorry to know this, good that you are working on it and in 2 weeks you will hear better :)
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    Cochlear Implant Patients.

    Thanks sr171soars, yes I know it is hard to compare but I hardly met or heard of anyone who had Med-El