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  1. F

    SmartLink+ vs. Amigo FM?

    I have Oticon Agil power one and I use the Streamer is compared to smartlink and even better, love it
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    New to hearing aids - frustrated and looking for advice.

    adamjt, how long did you have these widex aids, by las you have 45-60 days to try them and return them for a full refund, I can't believe the stupid audi wants to charge you $300, this never ever happened to me, I wore HA for over 12 years, you can learn so much from me, lol I was normal...
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    krazykatkitty's activation

    Glad you are doing good, was your activation today?, please update us, I'm going for my CI with another lady who posts here on 4 weeks from now. Are you in NZ?, I hope everything is ok with you and your family
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    Pat's (bbaseballboy) Surgery log

    Hi bbaseballboy123, wow very good that you put this behind you and you are now in your way to hear better. Do you get dizzy or balance problem after the surgery, any pain in head, face? I and a friend of mine are scheduled to have the CI next month, we are freaking out, LOL :)
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    Can someone please explain CIs to me?

    Bottom line, we don't want anyone to advertise here about a forum or a brand, end of story, we did not join this forum to get some people asking us to join some chat on some other forum, why is this guy is so busy telling us about the chat for AB!!!, they have NO IMPLANT, their implant is off...
  6. F

    Could use some help with choosing companies

    we know they have implant, for now, there is NO IMPLANT right, can you get it NOW !!, then no there is NO IMPLANT what kind of BS is this implant when is been taken off the market so many times in few years. It's not going for FDA approval, it was taken off the market because of the RECALL and...
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    Could use some help with choosing companies

    Oh geez you are annoying, you coming here and advertising about AB, forget AB, they have NO IMPLANT, the are off the market. Go advertise about your forum and your chat somewhere else. we do not want any advertising here please, get yourself together and stop defending any brand or get off this...
  8. F

    Can someone please explain CIs to me?

    Hearingjourney !! oh please NEVER EVER again, what cochlear implant users you will chat with at that forum!!!!!, do not do it, they are just mentors and paid users to brain wash you to get their implant iowaboy = business hurting at AB now with their FDA problems, so they are sending people...
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    Zebadee's Activation.

    Thanks Rampratt and it's great to hear that you got good results from the CI, what i was trying to explain in regard of the noise issue is that we hard of hearing sometimes push ourselves to separate sounds that I noticed normal hearing can't do, this is my opinion only, I'm not saying we are...
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    krazykatkitty's operation (second implant)

    Very interesting green, wish you the best, I understand how you got excited about the direction where are the sounds coming from, this happened to me with my HA (no CI yet), it happened when I changed them 4 years back to a new set that was better in directional sound or something and wow, I was...
  11. F

    Could use some help with choosing companies

    I agree with you, these Headphones are amazing, but they suck with my HA as if I put them on top of my hearing aids they will weez and whistle :(, I know there is no whistling with the CI and that is great. I'm a girl so I think I can cover that stupid head piece with my hair and not be to...
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    Zebadee's Activation.

    zebadee2010, even normal hearing people don't hear well in noisy situation so do not get discouraged. I have 90 db loss in both ears, I was born normal hearing,I'm 35 now and started losing my hearing 10 years back and it got pretty bad in a year or so, I have been wearing hearing aids (HA)...
  13. F

    Could use some help with choosing companies

    bbaseballboy123, ok sorry for being little off on you, I don't have CI yet, I have been researching it since last April (4.2010), I was on AB forum and was almost sold on their implant and they thought they could brain wash me up until I started doing more research and found out that regular...
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    Zebadee's Activation.

    wow, that's amazing, so happy for you, I think you deserve every bit of it. how's your speech understanding now, how do you function after becoming completely deaf for little while, how do you think you hear now and how the CI helped you, your results are so encouraging, I spoke to a dr today...
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    krazykatkitty's operation (second implant)

    krazykatkitty, good luck, when are you going for activation
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    krazykatkitty's operation (second implant)

    Green 427, what implant do you have, how was your hearing prior to the CI and how was your results after first CI and 2nd one Thanks in advance
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    Zebadee's Activation.

    Zebadee, update us, how are you doing?
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    Deb got turned on today

    Hi Deb, update us, how are you doing
  19. F

    Could use some help with choosing companies

    WRONG, Cochlear does have 2 microphones, go check the facts on their web site, AB has been flashing the stupid t-mic in our faces forever and telling us it's better, it's NOT, it does not do anything much that what Cochlear has for years already, they stole the technology from Cochlear and name...
  20. F

    Could use some help with choosing companies

    UGLY headpiece!!!!!!!, excuse me!!!!!!, are you talking about AB HUUUUUUUUGE processor and the head piece that keeps falling off (so many complaints about this), you can't be talking about Cochlear America that have the smallest, lightest, nicest look of all, not to forget their amazing...