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  1. F

    Advanced Bionics HiRes90k is back in Europe

    not really, these are the PR at AB who are saying this to reduce the impact of the recall and shutting down on producing or implanting it for over 6-8 months or may be more, many people are getting faulty parts and they have to redo the surgery again, don't believe the posts on AB forum, it's...
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    Post your audiogram

    Mudkipz, are you same guy on HJ named Carlos or something, you had N22 on old ear and AB last year, how are you doing?, nice to see you here, how is the college Your N22 seems to do better in your audiogram than AB? Am I wrong
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    new surgery date

    Just had mine over 3 weeks back, got activated a week back (cochlear), I was dizzy for like 5-6 days, pain for 2 days and then everything got better fast after the 6th day, so don't worry, you will do fine
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    new surgery date

    Good luck on whatever you have selected, I have heard Med-el is pretty good, keep us updated
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    Not a candidate for CI?

    dereksbicycles, just forgot to mention that My Dr. (Dr. Niparko at John Hopkins, who is the BEST in preserving residual hearing with CI surgery in USA) mentioned something for me last Feb when I called him wondering if I should do the CI or not, I was afraid that I may lose my ability on using...
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    Not a candidate for CI?

    dereksbicycles, your hearing loss was like mine, 90db in both ears, I was born normal hearing and lost my hearing fast 12 years back, I'm 35, I used Oticon agile HA and have used oticon since I lost my hearing, I could use the phone with Nokia loopsets (excellent quality) and Hatis headsets (so...
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    just got an implant

    Hey Nicola, my audi said that I can only wear the CI for first 2-3 months, she agreed that I can use the HA just in an emergencies like airports or things like that if needed so I can understand what is being said to me, I'm planning to wear it when I fly back home after my activation if the CI...
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    hearing aids squeaks because of volume?

    there are several reasons for annoying feedback: 1- The mold: as everyone else said, there could be many reasons for the mold to gives feedback, in my case of it was not fit right or there is venting somewhere it will give noise, the hard mold was not good for me, I had to get the softer...
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    CI- Cochlear America kit

    wow these accessories are so expensive, are they covered by the insurance? or at least some of it?, emailed the audi today, she said that she ordered the beige processor and can not cancel it now! but she may have the brown when I go there next week and see if she can let me try both colors and...
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    CI- Cochlear America kit

    Thanks for the encouragement words, I really needed some, I'm scared of next week, LOL
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    CI- Cochlear America kit

    Thanks for the reply, so I should get all brown??, I did not know this Yes got the N5, sorry I'm new to all of this Yes I thought the direct connect is a neat thing Then I get an extra battery, that's make sense yes I think Cochlear looks way better than AB, the AB one is just ugly, big I'm...
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    CI- Cochlear America kit

    hello everyone, I had my CI over a week back and will be activated end of next week, I got Cochlear America, I saw the kit that they offer, they told me I can pick 2 free accessories?, like the direct connect cable which I think it's a good idea but not sure what the best to pick and what these...
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    The countdown is on

    Good luck, don't worry, just had mine last Tuesday, was dizzy for few days but getting better everyday, will be activated in less than 10 days, let's keep our fingers crossed, keep us posted :)
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    Cochlear and their valuable Recipients!!

    Is it possible that someone here can order them for you and you pay them through payola, for example you could be friended with a cochlear user here in US and have them order the batteries for you are it was theirs, then ship them to you, you both agree on terms, I would be happy to help you if...
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    Pat's (bbaseballboy) Surgery log

    Hohtopics, thanks, will update you guys, I know another lady here who will have hers on Wed this week.
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    Pat's (bbaseballboy) Surgery log

    bbaseballboy123, thanks for your reply, but why no computers and cell phones, LOL, you are so funny, ok I will relax and take as much rest as I can
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    Pat's (bbaseballboy) Surgery log

    Hey bbaseballboy123, congratulation, I'm so happy for you, why did they take a month and half to activate you?, did you say you were implanted on Jan.10th? I'm going to be implanted on Tuesday this week, scared as hell!
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    cochlear implant testimony

    bwright6, what brand of CI did you have?
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    cochlear implant testimony

    I'm sorry for your troubles, when did you have your first implant and did you like them? is the problem with the 2nd implant or with both? What brand did you have?, as there is some problem with a certain brand going on now, could it be this what is happening to you? I'm not sure how did you...
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    SmartLink+ vs. Amigo FM?

    The streamer can come with the aid, it's up to you to buy it or not, I think the streamer alone costs like $1200 or $1600, I'm not so sure, I forgot as I changed my older (not very old oticon HA) to the newest one just to get the streamer so i did not care to check how much the HA alone, lol I...