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  1. BabyHornyBrat4

    It is just me

    Welcome back to AD my handsome smiley...:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :cuddle: :cuddle:
  2. BabyHornyBrat4

    New Name

    HI Everyone- :) I want to let you guys know that my real name is Christy. My handsome smiley husband gave me the new name is Alyssa. He picked it out from the book. I have a good reason to change the name since my family treated me badly. They took advatange of me being deaf. They loves...
  3. BabyHornyBrat4

    Another Hi there...

    Welcome to AD....
  4. BabyHornyBrat4

    Deaf/hearing relationships won't last

    I am very very talkative perosn. I wish my husband is talkative but he is very quiet man! I know sometimes, he talkative with me but not all the time.... I love to chat on AIM, MSN or Yahoo messenger... My husband (armymechdad) knows I love to talkative...
  5. BabyHornyBrat4

    What's the Biggest Waste of Money?

    Very true! We can bring the blanket to the park and we can have a sex (BONG BONG BONG, MOANING, MOANING and MOANING) lol
  6. BabyHornyBrat4

    What's the Biggest Waste of Money?

    Handsome Smiley- I would love to have sex with you in the park or camping or under the tree... It is FUN but I am allergic to the grass so we cant sex in the park LOL LOL...
  7. BabyHornyBrat4

    About my wife

    My husband is right.. I will be very busy.. I am still hoping to be with my HANDSOME SMILEY HUSBAND in early of DECEMBER so I can RAPE him.. :fingersx: :fingersx: HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you ALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. I will try my BEST to view AD sometimes next week.. :-)
  8. BabyHornyBrat4

    What is your wish for xmas?

    OHH YEAH! I defiatnely agree with you... *HIGH FIVE* He will do that for SURE.....But he wont open my clothes front of you! HAHA :o :o LMAO... LOL... Kids will be GONE!!!!! HAHAHAHA :laugh2:
  9. BabyHornyBrat4

    Are you happy with your deafness?

    Actually, I grew up in a hearing world. Yes, I am deaf but I don't really care for deaf yet.. I just wish I am hearing most of the time. Besides, I am so glad I didnt have to hear or listen to my kids's scream, cry or anything like that. It will gives me a headache.. OOPS, I am a bad excuses...
  10. BabyHornyBrat4

    The Guys' Rules

    LOL LOL!! I love to have my legs and hands around you until I am warm enough.. LOL.... I love to push you to very end of the bed so u could fell down! LMAO! Am I being mean wife? LOL.. NAH! I Love you to death! I move too much while I asleep.. lol...:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
  11. BabyHornyBrat4

    What is your wish for xmas?

    My husband (armymechdad) wanna me and kids thats all for Xmas that means he doesnt want any presents.. I guess it is his LOSS, LOL....
  12. BabyHornyBrat4

    you have adoption?

    I love kids.. I want to have 100 kids...:giggle: Just kidding.. My husband and I are going to have one more kid then MAYBE in the future, we can adopt deaf kid.. :-)
  13. BabyHornyBrat4

    My wife

    Haha... My husband wants trade me in.. I dont think so.. He cant live without me.. He loves me too death.. We have been married for 5 years and it is feel like we are 2 years of marriage.. I love him.... It is not dating anymore, handsome smiley... We are offically husband and wife.. LOL...
  14. BabyHornyBrat4


    Oh boy... My husband always scasred people like that.. How mean he is! hahaha.. I love him no matter what...
  15. BabyHornyBrat4

    My wife

    LOL.. I m proud of my husband.. He is wierd and silly.... Hehe..
  16. BabyHornyBrat4

    Flu shots

    I refused to get a flu shot.. If I get one, I will get sick immediately.. I never get flu shot again...
  17. BabyHornyBrat4

    What is your wish for xmas?

    There are lists I want for Christmas: 1) Imac apple laptop (13 inches)- I want it sooo BADLY!!! 2) Clothes from Old Navy and Lola Thats all I want.... The most of all, I want to have IMAC APPLE LAPTOP! I doubt it I will get one but I PRAY I will get one, lol...
  18. BabyHornyBrat4

    My wife

    Oh GOD! My handsome smiley is calling me a GRANNY PURSE.... I would :rl: at my handsome smiley.. HAHAHA
  19. BabyHornyBrat4

    Here Thanksgiving and Turkey.

    Maybe next year, I will steal your TURKEY! HAHAHAHA YAY! I am proud of it. YES, you made a good turkey...:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
  20. BabyHornyBrat4

    Here Thanksgiving and Turkey.

    :giggle: Im going to Christina and Pablo's house for Thanksgiving. Next year, Sam and I will do everything together like we did once last year. It was our first time and it was good. :giggle: