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  1. BabyHornyBrat4

    17 more days!!!!!!

    I am counting these days until I finally see my handsome smiley husband on the 10th of December. My kids and I are leaving on the 9th of December. I am soo exciting... It is 17 more DAYS left until I finally be with my HANDSOME SMILEY HUSBAND!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :ily: :ily...
  2. BabyHornyBrat4

    Avoid School Scam

    1) Im the responsbility to pay what my kids want to do (sports) whatever kids wants to do in their activities..Will pay what we need, as long as our kids stay in the activities. ( I agree with my handsome smiley husband) 2) I am responsbility to pay prom,class ring and stuff... Thats their...
  3. BabyHornyBrat4

    My son told me he got his first french kiss!

    oh god!!!!! I was being honest with you!!!!! I do love about you and of course, you are the best french kisses, handsome smiley.. I cant ask for more....
  4. BabyHornyBrat4

    My son told me he got his first french kiss!

    Well, you guys wont believe me! My first french kisses when I was 8 years old with a black guy.. Yea, I need to :rifle: at my self for being first french kisses at age of 8. LOL... BUT Handsome Smiley's the BEST french kisses ever I had in my life...
  5. BabyHornyBrat4

    My son told me he got his first french kiss!

    Hell!! I dont agree with you.. :rl: I would not be happy when he first french kiss but he can first kiss.. French kiss is more deeply love and it can lead to sex...... I hope he knows better to wait till marriage to have sex but FRENCH KISS? I dont think so.. I am sorry I am too protective...
  6. BabyHornyBrat4

    At wedding

    Hey guys! I wore that dress in the picture of me with a black and silver. I was at Marisa & Tyson's wedding last November 3rd of 2006. It was so beautiful wedding.
  7. BabyHornyBrat4

    New Name

    Oh thank all of you guys!! I am really appreciate for your supportive... Sam loved that name Alyssa.. I am so glad to be ALYSSA! :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: :ty: to you allll!!!! Love ya all, Alyssa You guys and my handsome smiley husband made my day special...
  8. BabyHornyBrat4

    Deaf/hearing relationships won't last

    Very TRUE! I learned everything from my handsome smiley husband. No one else teach me. He taught me how to drive, he taught me grammar, he taught me how to be patient, he taught me how to cook a little bit that I never seen that before, he taught me how to save money (I havent spend too much...
  9. BabyHornyBrat4

    new mama to be ...

    Welcome to AD :-) Enjoy it... I am sorry to hear that you got the baby's father screwed up. You have to focus on yourself and the baby. I agree with my handsome smiley husband. I love my two children to death! They are very precious children. Oh of course, my handsome smiley husband loves...
  10. BabyHornyBrat4

    New Name

    Yea, I will not talk with them again.. That is enough.... I have my own little precious family. I dont need my parents anymore. I have to focus with my kids and you... Thats all I need.. :-*
  11. BabyHornyBrat4

    hi everyone

    Welcome to AD, Gina.. My name is Alyssa, I am 25 years old and I am full time mother of two.. Enjoy it yourself in AD.. It is nice to meet you.. :-)
  12. BabyHornyBrat4

    *Cochlear Implants Users*

    My handsome smiley husband and I had our talked about to getting me CI.. I rather wait till we have our 3rd kids first then I can processing to get CI.. I told my handsome smiley, I am not in deaf world.. I love to be in a hearing world. I dont really interested into deaf world. The deaf...
  13. BabyHornyBrat4

    What's surprised?

    Oh GOD! The children are very INNOCENT!!! It is against the law to abuse the CHILDREN!!!! God gave us a gift to have a children to rasie in this earth.. It is very nasty to watch that video and harm the children.... God will punish the guy for what he had done to the boy.. :pissed: :pissed...
  14. BabyHornyBrat4


    I worried too much about death. I hate to be die or death... It is scary... I would like to die by natural..
  15. BabyHornyBrat4

    Three letter words game

    SOrry, I am supposed to follow who was the last perosn...
  16. BabyHornyBrat4

    Three letter words game

  17. BabyHornyBrat4

    Three letter words game

  18. BabyHornyBrat4

    It is just me

    Hey PPL- Please dont be confused... My husband signed up a new account with his nickname which I gave it to him when I first met him. No more armymechdad81.. Now, it is HandsomeSmiley. He will be the same person.... :-) Thanks, Alyssa
  19. BabyHornyBrat4

    I had a car accident!!

    Oh ouch.. I am glad you arent get in any injury! Whew... The young girl should have the insurance.. She is in a big trouble for not have no insurance. I had two accidents but one wasnt my fault.. Other one, it was my fault. I wasnt pay attention. I was lucky that I havent gotten a ticket...
  20. BabyHornyBrat4

    New Name

    Oh thanks! Yeah, I am very fortune to have him in my life...