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  1. K

    Giving a (deaf) dog a name sign?

    Hi, I was just browsing the forums and came across your post. I don't have any experience other than my 3 hearing dogs, so I can't give an opinion. I did watch a you tube video not too long ago about someone who had trained their deaf dog with sign language and it was interesting. Maybe you can...
  2. K

    Hearing aid falling out.

    Hi all, just a quick question. I've had my HA for a week now and I'm so pleased with it. The only problem is, my ear canal is tiny and I think I'm not putting it on properly. When I drive, it falls out because I'm looking over my shoulder to check the traffic. Does anyone have any suggestions ...
  3. K

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Hi Timothy, how are you ? It's good that Zephren could recommend so many lines of contact. I realise that our situations are quite different and my method of coping works for me but not necessarily for others. At home and amongst friends, I have a strong support group, though because of the...
  4. K

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Hi Timothy, I live in Europe, so I can't recommend a community or venue for you. I just wanted to say that I read your post and felt for you. What struck me is that you so eloquently put into words that when we have either partially lost our hearing or even lost all our hearing, we feel the loss...
  5. K

    Middleaged and losing my hearing

    There are plenty of " viola jokes ". Here's an example... What's the difference between a viola and a trampoline? You take your shoes off to jump on the trampoline. :rolleyes: Viola players bear the brunt of all orchestral jokes :eek3: :ot:. That aside, you're right. The vibration of the...
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    Middleaged and losing my hearing

    Viola :) DON'T START ON THE VIOLA JOKES !! :D:laugh2: I teach violin and the repertoire is much more exciting than for the viola but that "E" string kills my ears. :eek:
  7. K

    Ugh ear infections

    Really !! Can they really operate so many times ? I'd lost hope after 2 surgeries but now I see that they can operate even more times, you've given me hope. :)
  8. K

    Acronyms and abbreviations

    Yes, you're right. It was mostly acronyms relating to this forum. I gave up trying to understand all the others people use in text messages. If I really want to know them, I just ask my teenage children ;)
  9. K

    Different sign languages

    Thanks Reba :)
  10. K

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Yes, you hit the nail on the head. It's the chaos of sound I find so difficult, not the organised sound. Thanks :gpost:
  11. K

    Different sign languages

    As someone who is gradually losing my hearing, I was wondering whether it would be fun/necessary to start to learn a sign language. I looked on you tube and the app store but to be honest, I'm not any more knowledgeable than I was before. If anything, I'm more confused. Maybe you can help ? I...
  12. K

    Acronyms and abbreviations

    Hi everyone, I know there's been a thread on this previously but I couldn't find a list of acronyms relating to this forum. I've worked out a couple of them and somebody who welcomed me was kind enough to write the full version in brackets for me :yesway: . Maybe it could be good with a list for...
  13. K

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    That's sort of what I was trying to say. I came to this site purely for practical answers and then it struck me that I've had to come to a deaf community site to search for answers concerning me. Because I've never really thought of myself as hoh, it feels out of place for me. Then I began to...
  14. K


    Hì Zeefour, thanks for the welcome :wave:
  15. K

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    When I joined this forum this morning, I was primarily looking for practical answers about available hearing aids etc. Because my hearing loss has been gradual over the years, even though I always knew I'd eventually lose a lot or all of my hearing, somehow joining this forum has put me in a...
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    Middleaged and losing my hearing

    Thank you :wave:
  17. K


    Thanks Reba :)
  18. K

    Middleaged and losing my hearing

    Hi Zephren, the Mamma dog is a mixture between poodle, Japanese pointer and some other races and her puppies ( we kept two of them ) are all of her mixes and a pure bred cocker spaniel as their Daddy. They're sweet, naughty and range in intelligence from very clever to completely daft :) I love...
  19. K

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    :bowlol: Ah, you mean Mum instead of Mom :)
  20. K

    Middleaged and losing my hearing

    Thank you :)