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  1. S

    When hearie person said to you something and didn't know you're Ddeaf/Hhoh....

    sounds sweet :D i dont have many ppl like that right now. its good to know that i do. i think i just added a signature :P
  2. S

    When hearie person said to you something and didn't know you're Ddeaf/Hhoh....

    nice to know there's more ppl like me out there and thanx. i'll let everyone know how everything goes along the way. :D
  3. S

    im back (Texas)

    Texan here
  4. S

    my new profile pic XD

    okay, so this is the forum available for off-topic discussions, so why not right. well. how about my new profile pic? like it? i got bored last night so i made that. its just two of me. really simple but cool effect.
  5. S

    new to alldeaf, and being deaf

    wow. thanx. havent thought of that XD i'll do it when i can. thanx alot
  6. S

    new to alldeaf, and being deaf

    thanx alot. this is a great site. i like it
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    When hearie person said to you something and didn't know you're Ddeaf/Hhoh....

    yeah, but i was taught that even though u have a reason to be whatever, doesn't give u the right to be. you still have to consider other ppl. just a way of life. i know i've been impatient lately tho, i've snapped at some ppl but i did apologize almost second-naturally, saying "sorry, i'm deaf"...
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    new to alldeaf, and being deaf

    i can sign and understand it. i am learning to sign. i already know the basics, all im doing now is building vocabulary. any help would be awesome XD
  9. S

    When hearie person said to you something and didn't know you're Ddeaf/Hhoh....

    thanx, it means alot. but i know hearies can become impatient just like deafies can. im a recent deafie, and i noticed that my patience level went way down, but im working on getting it back up. im a really nice guy, just not too nice. :D
  10. S

    How do you feel when someone stare at you....

    depends on my mood. if im happy-ish, i'll wave at them or stare back at themtil they stop staring. if im not so happy-sih, i'll ignore em.
  11. S

    How Gay Are You?

    26 % and i am gay XD
  12. S

    Are you OUT ?

    im 20, been out since like 11 lol. but still not many ppl know. my best friend is a homophobe and he doesnt know. but yeah, im gay, but i dont make a point of telling anyone. they ask, then i tell lol.
  13. S

    I was driving and came across this....

    LMAO!!! weird and funny
  14. S

    Were you deaf and 'gifted' ?

    I was in a GT program in my last college. there was an IQ test every semester given free at charge so me and my friend took it. i made a 144 and my friend made a 146. but i also have something that holds me back (besides being deaf). im extremely lazy when it comes to doing stuff. im one of...
  15. S

    When hearie person said to you something and didn't know you're Ddeaf/Hhoh....

    i still remember the first time a hearie told me "nevermind." it was my dad. being just recent deaf, he was talking and i was trying to read his lips and after the third time i asked him to repeat himself, he said "nevermind" and walked away. it was actually kinda heartbreaking. ever since then...
  16. S

    Prefered communication method?

    i have recently become completely deaf in both ears, so guess im different for rt now, but... if im talking to a hearing person. i still talk, and im learning to lip read better, so i talk if i can read they're lips, otherwise, i use written. if im talking to a deaf person. i use what ASL...
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    learining asl

    hi. im learning ASL too. would love to help us practice. mmine is any one else, feel free to add me, for ASL or just talking. anythings fine
  18. S

    new to alldeaf, and being deaf

    sure, i'll be glad to talk to u Kamrin XD i'm 20 and hearing aid wont work. too much damage. i cant hear at all :S but its okay i guess. und hallo, ich weis(s) ein wenig Deutsch. i like it here. plan to post more. thanx everyone. great day
  19. S

    Post your gas prices

    1.29 near dallas texas
  20. S

    new to alldeaf, and being deaf

    i can still talk normally, just cant hear at all, so i dont know if im pronouncing it rt or not lol. but its working so far. im learning to read lips too. i'm learning ASL at a good pace too so im happy.