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  1. S

    my introduction.

    with my family? through email and texts, we dont even live in the same state. but when i do meet them, i use lip reading and my own speech. if that doesnt work i use old fashion paper. (nowadays just type it in the phone and show them lol)
  2. S

    my introduction.

    yeah, they sure do. my dad was scared to death about me even tho he knew i was alright. he kept calling me but i coouldnt answer obviously. weird times. huff, but right now i should be sleeping or sleepy. i havent slept for 4 days and not sleepy. insomina has been getting bad. oops. off topic...
  3. S

    my introduction.

    wasnt really scary at first, just confusing. but i got a hang of everything :D
  4. S

    my introduction.

    yeah it is. but interesting. it totally changed my life.
  5. S

    my introduction.

    well. i was going to a hearing school and transferred here, but that kinda got messed up after the accident so now im just relaxing. going to get back to life after the holidays. been spending the year getting used to being deaf and all.
  6. S

    my introduction.

    yeah. that would be bad. i live here by myself so i gotta drive all the way alone.
  7. S

    my introduction.

    lol. i know what u mean. -.- kinda why im usually with my boyfriend or friends
  8. S

    my introduction.

    oh i will. :D got alot of old hearing friends to talk to. wow. last time i talked to them i was hearing too. long time. but cool. its gonna be cool. cant wait. hope u have fun at urs
  9. S

    my introduction.

    it is. plus i get to see family and my boyfriend :D i have a twin thats in the army, he's hearing, and i get to see him. its gonna be a good vacation. i cant wait.
  10. S

    my introduction.

    wow. he lives way on the other side of arkansas, close to memphis, TN. i have a stick shift so its always fun lol.
  11. S

    my introduction.

    ugh, i hate long drives too. in a week, im gonna visit my dad. 8 hr drive. it sux but its worth it.
  12. S

    my introduction.

    awesome awesome. i wanna be a engineer so sounds great :D
  13. S

    When hearie person said to you something and didn't know you're Ddeaf/Hhoh....

    me either, but i have a myspace too. you can add me if you want. :D its /sai005 my facebook is for school friends. back when i was hearing.
  14. S

    my introduction.

    im not quite sure yet. still have to decide. but i have some time before then.
  15. S

    Big, Average, or Small?

    i like spacious bedrooms. just incase i decide to do something random. or have friends over.
  16. S

    When hearie person said to you something and didn't know you're Ddeaf/Hhoh....

    thanx. i had it for awhile on my facebook. idk if you know or not, but they're a myspace sorta thingy for deaf ppl, called tagdeaf. it seems interesting. i still havent joined but i plan to.
  17. S

    my new profile pic XD

    lol! same here. they always ask whats wrong, and then it just ruins everything lol.
  18. S

    my introduction.

    i know a little german, but cool. i might be going to that school soon. idk yet but i hope so. but just relax and be yourself. u'll see that they'll be nice. i mean, come on, your going there because your interested in helping deafies by the sort of occupation your getting into. trust me, just...
  19. S

    my new profile pic XD

    lol. i tend to look sad when i dont show emotion, idk why, just do. but no, not sad, just alot going on.