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  1. B

    What is the worst valentine's gift you ever get?

    I wouldnt appreciate it. I would threw them away in front of him. What a fool.
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    You started it...

    Hi, Did you get my message? Please get back with me. Thanks
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    You started it...

    Hello, I was not sure if you have received my message? Lets stay in touch. Ms. Glass, New Olreans
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    what you got somethings from valentine's day?

    Yes, that's correct of Deaf Single Connection.
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    what you got somethings from valentine's day?

    My bf gave me 12 Roses flowers with a red vase and took me out to a dinner. But... a shit for his hyprotric of been getting alot of messages from pager, who else?... even his profile still in dsc. I asked him to remove his profile from dsc, and he wont. I am going to pack up and leave him...
  6. B

    Ku Klux Klan Endorses Obama

    I ve been watching on CNN News on Obama as I support for Obama for a change to be better in America. He will be great to be a President Obama! I have sensed him by his biology of childhood and many more.
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    Ku Klux Klan Endorses Obama

    Thank you for your explain... my point is that I cant understand why they are against to Hillary Clinton who is white. That is conflict on their policies (?) :dunno2:
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    Hello From A Deaf Southern Girl! =D

    V.I.P. Member How can I become a member of V.I.P.? I am a new user on :dunno2:
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    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

    New Orleans for bar... Anyone of you know the bar is in New Orleans/or Louisiana a bunch of deaf and hard of hearing? :giggle: Let s have fun if we can find it
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    Ku Klux Klan Endorses Obama

    That is kind of confusing me of the KKK who is against to Hillary Clinton... What does that mean "KKK" for?
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    Public groups

    How can I join my user ID member in public groups? Can't I? Any advice for a help. Thanks:bowdown:
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    Who is single here?

    Thank you for your share with me. He does not hurt me at all.
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    Who is single here?

    I am back to being a single again since 2005. I am glad I got 2 sons.
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    Who is single here?

    I stopped on dsc after I met a new man and together for 2 yrs, and i ve been seeing him getting many message from pager. He always lock his pager to security. He does not seem to be honest with me (?) Even still his profile in dsc and others. I inquire him to remove his profile from dsc, and...
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    Hi everybody, I am a new user in this site. : -)