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  1. B

    For Libra

    You make me a big day. YOU Funny!
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    For Libra

    Go looking on Birthday Month:birthday::cheers:
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    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

    ADHA Kids and Adults It is not easy to deal with ADHA or ADD kids even with medicine.... Anyone of the parents who have experience with ADD or ADHA kids who would like to share with. It is no cure!
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    Hello to all

    That is awesome a design of Authentic! WoW!!
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    Unofficial AllDeaf Map - Post Your Location!

    Here I am in New Orleans! :hyper:
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    Moving Out...

    I would throw you a surprise for housewarming party! :laugh2:
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    Moving Out...

    Wish you good luck on your own life alone. :cool2:
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    what you got somethings from valentine's day?

    Are you the only child in the family? I am the last baby in the family who is an independent person away from family... my family begged me to move back to closer with family. I rather stay my independent where I want to. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother, all of them are closer in residents...
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    French Wine I am actually drink the red wine for breakfast which is good for heart healthly. it also help to relax before I go to sleep well all night. :buttsex:
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    You started it...

    Thank you, A young Man, for ur telling me about that. I will try to speed it up over 100 to get pm for myself. (grinned)
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    Get over it, will you?

    What does that CCCP mean? :o
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    The salmon is good for healthly. I also love the curtural food. I rarely eat the american food which it is fatty that is not good for healthly.
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    Guess what?!

    Congrats! Wish you good luck
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    It depends on how serve they are making sushi. I like the california rolls. I suggest you to try it.
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    Food Network I am actually watching the food network on tv all the time. My favorite is Indian and seafood. Yummy...Yummy
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    Birthday Months

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    Hello to all

    :welcome:;) This AD is so incredible! I am still too new user in this site.
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    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VI

    Northern and Southern My house is in New York while I am in Southern for nice weather which is not that bad. I am selling the house in Spring. <grinned>...:wiggle:
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    Indian Food with SPICY!

    I could hardly stop eating indian food like it is my passion.:clit: