Search results

  1. R

    What is your favorite android phone?

    I thought you talking about modifying kernel and system like rom hack. My bad.
  2. R

    What is your favorite android phone?

    Google isn't only one rom hack. I tried samsung.
  3. R

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Doctor Stranger. Good story.
  4. R

    Please learn some asl

    Tell them what you said that you need this.
  5. R

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    In the freaky long line 2 hours. BE patient isn't love huh?
  6. R

    Deaf Identity When You're Not Deaf

    Mostly deafies think or guess I am hearing before they ask when they dont see me sign, without hearing aid or i do not look like deaf. And just like hearing don't think i'm deaf when they don't see me sign, or they might think I mostly ignore them when they talking to me without i see them...
  7. R

    Beep beep

    It sound like smartwatch dying until few days. beep beep!
  8. R

    Is it hard to get a man

    Is it hard to get a man? No. It's hard for woman to keep man.
  9. R

    Deaf piano ?

    I used to play electric piano with propellerhead reason to create music. I owned few musics.
  10. R

    Curious. willing to date hearing or just stick with deaf?

    I willing date hearing if they aren't fluent in sign language. Personality and willing to learn sign language are good things.
  11. R

    The Walking Dead

    Glad Rick's mindset is over. He got his s-it together.
  12. R

    The Walking Dead

    Actually mid-age Steven Seagal could the one in comic. He looked exactly him .. he tall and broad but he too lazy to act. Why not Vinnie Jone? He know how act and his voice so brutal.
  13. R

    Long term relationship

    Girl?. You need a woman.
  14. R

    The Walking Dead

    Yo yesterday this story was about whole group can't win without Daryl Dixon and Carol. I know the group need Carol help cuz she know how come up smart plan. She rescued group at Terminus last time.
  15. R

    The Walking Dead

    It was about Dwight's story made many bad decisions. He should had listened to Daryl Dixon.
  16. R

    The Walking Dead

    Ha Ha i bet it kinda shitty story huh?
  17. R

    Anyone tired of being lonely?

    I wonder what kind of struggles you had that people don't understand you?
  18. R

    The Walking Dead

    King Ezekiel fall a love skillful actress that Carol knows how tricked her enemies. Hmm.
  19. R

    The Walking Dead

    I knew it was Abraham. Tough guy than everybody in group. He wasn't afraid of death. Dang Negan picked right guy. Didn't know Glenn gotta to go too just like in comic.
  20. R

    Some friend
