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  1. R

    French police report shootout and explosion in Paris

    President forgot about Arabic and Jordanian people had lived in everywhere Europe before syria refugee and they behind it too. Their religion is Sunni Islam.
  2. R

    As death threats spread fear at Mizzou

    We already live in crazy world.
  3. R

    Home invasion

    Me too. I ain't feel sorry for fool got killed. They need to lay off thug life or GTA 5.
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    North Carolina upholds ban on sex offenders using Facebook She saved his life. Pissing his face.
  5. R

    As death threats spread fear at Mizzou

    Since 1996, most university have racial issue. Smh. Have u heard about "Dear White People" the movie? That's true story.
  6. R

    The Walking Dead

    Yup. Because Glenn and Maggie weren't okay from episode 1-3 shows this season and last season 5
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    Passenger caught on camera attacking Uber driver arrested, fired

    Quit Uber. That's Only way.
  8. R

    Feds probing arrests of disruptive student

    Without girl's wiitness? She going win the case anyway. Still can't do it privately anyway.
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    North Carolina upholds ban on sex offenders using Facebook

    Why they wanna to ban sex offenders but not the killers?? Smh
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    North Carolina upholds ban on sex offenders using Facebook

    It's crime but not felony. Indecent liberties with child is felony like stationary raped. That's not new.
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    Who likes mushrooms?

    SAUTÉED MUSHROOMS are delicious. M
  12. R

    Passenger caught on camera attacking Uber driver arrested, fired

    I knew One day somebody going rob uber employee. i glad i refused to be uber driver. that too risky. get yo own weapon.
  13. R

    5 students stabbed, suspect killed on CA campus

    Shooot........ I glad It wasn't me. HAHAHAHAHA I stabbed tire. Police killed stabber.
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    Oregon community college shooting, multiple casualties

    That i am saying but how he know about them ? He should report cops.
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    Oregon community college shooting, multiple casualties

    I know semi-auto is legal and full-auto is not. I talking about millitary weapon is illegal to all civilians.
  16. R

    Motorcyclist Pops Wheelie At 100 MPH And It Doesn't Go Well

    This is lucky stupidity playing on road. He should let the crash test dummy do the trick.
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    Feds probing arrests of disruptive student

    That's interesting.
  18. R

    Feds probing arrests of disruptive student

    I don't think heroin and meth make any differences between races. Any race use any drugs.