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  1. kristy2078

    ADA, fraudsters, accessibility, oh my!

    So far we have the regulations that state we are allowed accommodations. The ADA is pretty basic, though, but it can be confusing for business owners. At this point, there is no requirement anywhere that states people with service animals must have some proper documentation (i.e. tag, collar...
  2. kristy2078

    needs a fashion wardrobe update...BADLY!

    Remind them you still have like the next 80 years or so to be dating :P
  3. kristy2078

    "Deaf People can do anything but hear" whats wrong with this slogan - discuss

    For starters, blind people can't drive. Therefore, they are limited to asking someone for a ride, using public transportation (if their town has it and it doesn't suck), or walking along dangerous roads. They can't even ride a bike on their own. Deaf people can drive or ride a bus and get...
  4. kristy2078

    needs a fashion wardrobe update...BADLY!

    Does it really bother her that you are not girly enough? Remind her that you are a TEEN. I can understand why she wants you to wear baggy jeans. Tight jeans are just too revealing, and she's probably concerned about that.
  5. kristy2078

    ADA, fraudsters, accessibility, oh my!

    I was having a long winded discussion on another website regarding accommodations (specifically in this case, therapy pets in a rental apartment). It's a long story and a few points from the other person got me thinking about something: Approximately what percent of deaf people (and other...
  6. kristy2078

    Earphones/Headphones for HAs

    Yes, my HA does have the t-coil, and I do very much prefer the ear hook over the loop because of the signal strength like you said. I also find that how old the HA battery is will also determine how much signal my HA is picking up. A new battery is best used. Even then, the hook has to be...
  7. kristy2078

    Captioned movies on opening day

    Yes, I would. I don't like the idea of using one of those RWC (or whatever acronyms it uses) things because efficiency is one of my life's priorities. I can't be arsed to go ask for the equipment (and hope there's still some available because who knows how many deaf patrons are there at the...
  8. kristy2078

    "Deaf People can do anything but hear" whats wrong with this slogan - discuss

    *devilsadvocate* Then people who have vision problems will have issues with that slogan */devilsadvocate* We do have to give these companies a bit of credit for trying to keep up with us. You know, they finally set up a TTY line and *boom* deaf people are using VRS. What's next? A line...
  9. kristy2078

    "Deaf People can do anything but hear" whats wrong with this slogan - discuss

    I do like that slogan, and I don't think it's negative in any way. It is a separate thing from issues with accommodations from employers. It's a way to say that we can do any job or task that a hearing person can do except to hear. It's really that simple, and it reinforces our potential for...
  10. kristy2078


    -o) /\\ oo _\_V ^(--)^ (got that off a website) EDIT: well apparently this site doesn't recognize empty spaces well... Supposed to be a penguin and a crab.
  11. kristy2078

    Earphones/Headphones for HAs

    I have both a Tec-Ear ear hook and a neck loop. As for other people hearing the music, it doesn't matter whether you use a loop, hook, or boots. It's the hearing aid that is emitting the music because it's so loud for you. When I was in middle school, my teacher went to speak with someone in...
  12. kristy2078

    So I had a job interview today...

    A lot of times ads will have requirements regarding hearing and speaking, and it has a lot to do with customer service and using the phone. Honestly, not using the phone is an easy accommodation because there are other people who can handle that task. A co-worker and I are deaf and work in the...
  13. kristy2078

    son ssi taken away

    With that, you can still go to a college :)
  14. kristy2078

    America's biggest teacher and principal cheating scandal unfolds in Atlanta

    Actually, a lot of student misbehavior has to do with family behavior. Plus, expelling students only leads to more problems for the community (i.e. increased crime rate). Expulsion should be reserved for the most serious cases and intervention should be utilitized for all other problem...
  15. kristy2078

    Come chat! Right now!

    As if religion and a website have anything in common :P
  16. kristy2078

    So I had a job interview today...

    Why don't you follow your family's examples and become rich yourself? You could do a lot more. If you are using SSI, you can't have more than $2,000 a month in assets. If you having a relative put aside the money for you somewhere else, that is circumventing the SSA's rules. As for other...
  17. kristy2078

    So I had a job interview today...

    That's where you can request an accommodation so you don't have to do the glass window bit.
  18. kristy2078

    So I had a job interview today...

    Many jobs are not about hearing other people. It's about being able to do a job and customer service is only a small part of it. You can also carry around a little pad of paper and a pen for writing notes if you can't understand the customers. Even then, there are jobs out there that don't...
  19. kristy2078

    Come chat! Right now!

    Why not just copy/paste the URL here and separate the words with spaces (for periods)? Like this: www alldeaf com
  20. kristy2078

    CI--Deaf or Hearing?

    I smell malpractice. And, "cannot survive with this hearing loss"??? BULL!! *sigh* As for your question... I do think it depends on how you act in both worlds. If you are involved with deaf people, use the method of communication preferred by Deaf people, and also use the same...