Search results

  1. kristy2078

    Social Security disability insolvency?

    If a deadbeat is on SSI, his SSI can't be garnished. So, no child support payment. SSDI can be garnished, but I think there's a max percentage that can be taken out. If someone is in jail, his/her SSI/SSDI payments are suspended until he/she gets out. Like I said to another commenter, it...
  2. kristy2078

    Social Security disability insolvency?

    Do you know what 'working under the table' means? It means that someone who does that is not paying any tax at all (no tax for Medicare, SS, state, etc). The employer does not have this person on records and is paying directly to the person in cash, maybe checks. So, no tax system (including...
  3. kristy2078

    Why Is Polygamy So Controversial?

    Married couples have porn, too. The 'open casual sex' does happen, assuming the people involved were not cheating on their spouses (namely, were not married or dating someone else who is not aware of what's going on). And even if two people are married, they also can have open relationships...
  4. kristy2078

    Why Is Polygamy So Controversial?

    A comprehensive survey of traditional societies in the world shows that 83.39% of them practice polygyny, 16.14% practice monogamy, and .47% practice polyandry. So let's see: 83.39% involving one man having multiple wives versus 0.47% involving one woman having multiple husbands 83.39%...
  5. kristy2078

    Why Is Polygamy So Controversial?

    If you want more income, you can still have multiple partners sharing resources and income. More sex? Just have an open relationship. You don't need marriage for any of these things to happen. And are you saying you are too lazy to take the trash out? Want your men to be competitive for...
  6. kristy2078

    Social Security disability insolvency?

    The problem is, some deadbeats do duck the system by working under the table (pay no taxes) or getting a lousy job on purpose. Say he has the skills to be a manager at a nice company or a construction worker on big projects or an engineer, he might go work at McDonald's instead so he pays less...
  7. kristy2078

    cant sleep too depressed

    Seek out therapy.
  8. kristy2078

    Social Security disability insolvency?

    While the SS system is still around, it's not quite as stable as we would like. So, there should be more rules. Like say someone found a job while on SSDI, he/she should be pushed to go for full time if possible. I have a co-worker who can work more but she doesn't want to. She is currently...
  9. kristy2078

    Couple with 18 children reveal they're now praying for more children

    Wait. They trusted God to take care of their family decisions but turned to medical care to improve her chances of having children? Hypocrites, I say! It's also ironic they are also trusting God to keep them healthy without health insurance, but they are getting free care due to being low...
  10. kristy2078

    Facebook 'Like' Button Declared Illegal In Germany

    I wish we would just get rid of the 'like' button. I play Farmville and Vampire Wars, and there are people who will click 'like' on every post they see and collect from. For some, 'like' is a way of saying thanks. For some others, 'like' is a placeholder on the wall so they can know where the...
  11. kristy2078

    Why Is Polygamy So Controversial?

    In cults, it's not really consensual. Brain washing is usually involved on the women's part.
  12. kristy2078

    What are some things that VESID paids for?

    Or a vocational training school. These schools focus more on on-hand training and less on academics. You never know if you are good at a job until you apply for and get that job and work there for at least 6 months. You may not like maintainence or food service, but you at least will be...
  13. kristy2078

    Lady Gaga to learn ASL

    Yeah, I have that one on my YT playlist :) It takes a good two years to become a proficient ASL user, so I am hoping that Gaga won't start signing her music just yet until she has a good grasp of ASL. It will be difficult to use ASL while still singing, so she either have to overlap voice...
  14. kristy2078

    Tax on rich people

    Well, let's see, according to 2008 US Census, 10.2% of households earn more than $100,000. The median income is $50,303. Is it fair for that 10.2% to bear the burden of supporting (via social services) roughly 40-60% of households that are in porverty? The remaining 20-40% are squeezed in a...
  15. kristy2078

    FaceBook vs Google Plus

    Actually, you can limit who can see your statuses. Make different kinds of friends list (i.e. family, friends, close friends, co-workers, game buddies), and when you are ready to publish a status (or photo or whatever), click on the lock icon and choose which friends list you want to publish to.
  16. kristy2078

    What are some things that VESID paids for?

    That depends on what you want to do. If you are not sure what you want to do career-wise, you should do a vocational evaluation first.
  17. kristy2078

    What pisses me off??? Famous people!

    Yeah I was thinking that or something else. Maybe he's vying for the same fame as that guy who did those documentaries about oversizing (namely on his McDonald's diet) and medical care for the working class. I don't like either guys, anyway.
  18. kristy2078

    Urgent & Important Message for Deaf and HOH People !!!!

    Anytime someone asks you for financial help with medical care, rent, etc, offer to send the money directly to the provider/landlord/etc. If your sweetie balks and insists on receiving the cash, SCAM. I hope you stared a police report and get the court involved. Who knows who else she was bilking?
  19. kristy2078

    Useless thinking but fun i hope!!

    I would sign it as construction truck don't-get-close (with second hand as another car behind the truck) keep-distance (again with the second hand as another car).
  20. kristy2078

    Whats' your thought on

    If an African is too deaf to be able to use a hearing aid, then he/she obviously won't be getting the aid. Someone else will get it. As for batteries, have you heard of solar-powered hearing aids? I think it's likely that the HAs would be distributed in areas with high populations and...