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  1. kristy2078

    How Is Everyone Doing in This Tough Economy?

    Maybe so, but it's better than nothing. Large retail chains do have benefits that will kick in after X months, so that's something else.
  2. kristy2078

    Biggest Thing I Hate About Politics

    But if these groups never get the attention, they never get what they want/need. They will continue to be oppressed and denied equal opportunities. You saw what happened when gay people started the movement for marriage rights; they were denied left and right and this had to take court...
  3. kristy2078

    Do deaf folks consider themselves disabled?

    Way to be optimistic and flexible.
  4. kristy2078

    Doctor--no interpreter!

    Depends on where and when. If I go to the Concord NH ER, they have an interpreter on call somewhere in the building during the daytime. In th evening or night, they call someone on the on-call list and I can wait until then (unless it was an extreme emergency like, say, bleeding out from my...
  5. kristy2078

    Disco bullies attack deaf girl

    If a youth club requires police officers to monitor the members, something's wrong. Here in the US, there wouldn't be a youth club without adult supervision.
  6. kristy2078

    a medical benefit for disabled workers in PA

    I was chatting with a friend who lives in PA and he mentioned that he had applied to MAWD (Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities). I looked around and it doesn't seem that being on SSI/SSDI is a requirement, just being considered disabled according to SSA's guidelines. So, if you...
  7. kristy2078

    Disco bullies attack deaf girl

    What is this disco place for minors? And why wasn't there parental supervision? And why wasn't there paid staff running the place, besides police officers?
  8. kristy2078

    City Loses Bid to Remove Call Boxes

    You know what would really help in times of emergency? Being able to use text to send to 911.
  9. kristy2078

    Interpreter for deaf is a right, not a perk

    Usually there's a remedy. If the naturist festival organizers charged all participants an extra $3 for the weeklong event, Willard says, they'd have more than enough to cover the cost of an interpreter. Wait. He wanted a terp for the entire time that he's there? Not just for when there's a...
  10. kristy2078

    OC on open day or any movies

    It would be easier if the law that requires captioning on DVDs, TV shows, etc would expand to include captioning on movie reels for theaters. It's a real shame that sometimes our laws can be narrowly focused on one thing instead of all related things. I don't know how many theaters have gone...
  11. kristy2078

    OC on open day or any movies

    I am not sure, but you could try this site for information about laws for deaf Aussies.
  12. kristy2078

    Doctor--no interpreter!

    Depending on how many deaf patients your clinic gets, the doctor may want to consider getting one of those videorelay service on TV (DeafTalk and one other such service). If the clinic you go to is small, you may want to consider going to a major network instead. Bigger systems can afford...
  13. kristy2078

    online captioning!!!

    I really hope that open or closed captions will be the ones to be used, not the autotranscription service.
  14. kristy2078

    Do deaf folks consider themselves disabled?

    But if the employer can provide accommodations, are you still disabled? A deaf secretary can still work with papers, meet with managers or clients in person, use email, use relay services, etc. A deaf waiter can have customers write out their orders or point to the menu. I know of a deaf...
  15. kristy2078

    sunrise alarms

    I do have one. It doesn't just stay on, though, and it will flash at the designated time. I wish it would just gradually light up and stay on and I can use my regular alarm clock to wake me up. I just need more light before I can wake up. A flashing light is just too annoying first thing in...
  16. kristy2078

    Why Is Polygamy So Controversial?

    And that's just the only single difference between polyamory and polygamy. Why bother getting married at all when you can still have the relationships you want with a bunch of people?
  17. kristy2078

    How Is Everyone Doing in This Tough Economy?

    I am doing all right. I am working at Walmart and living with my parents. I did work as a teacher from 2007-2009 but I was laid off. I was lucky I still had my Walmart job that I started in 2006. Working two jobs was tough, but it helped a lot (not to mention it was really nice having two...
  18. kristy2078

    Buried of Cremated?

    Yeah, a pyre :) TN is far, though, so if the costs are a big factor, I would just do cremation and have my ashes scattered somewhere local.
  19. kristy2078

    Buried of Cremated?

    You mean like Abby on NCIS? I am sure this is possible :) As for a director-less funeral, I looked around and it seems it is possible. You would still have to coordinate with the coroner and owner of a cemetary (if applicable).
  20. kristy2078

    Buried of Cremated?

    I would like to be cremated or at least buried in a green space without a coffin. I probably would want to be donated to science, first, though. Or, I could be left on one of those body farms for CSI :hmm: A body fire would be nice, too, but I am not sure how many places would allow that. If...