Search results

  1. kristy2078

    Deaf People and Autistic People?

    I agree with derek. We, in general, are more understanding of people with disabilities and more receptive to differences in communication. We also tend to be more patient, because we have experienced other people being impatient with us. We are also used to using several methods of...
  2. kristy2078

    moving out on my own?

    When you look at accomodation devices (alarm clock, doorbell), consider the costs and how you can make alternatives. For example, I bought a transmitter and a couple of receivers for the phone and doorbell. These were expensive, and I wasn't going to buy a receiver for each lamp. I also...
  3. kristy2078

    I find this offensive

    If someone smells like vinegar, it's possible that person has diabetes or a bacterial/fungal skin infection. Anyway... I do think the picture is funny. I remember years ago there was a group on MSN for people who had a fetish with hearing aids. And like what others have said, some people...
  4. kristy2078

    Lack of interaction with women

    I understand what you are saying, but you just can't see outside of yourself to see how your attitude is turning off people. Yes, your family loves you because they raised you and know you and because you are part of their family. But when you are out meeting people, they see you putting down...
  5. kristy2078

    YouTube Taking Down Sign Language Music Videos

    It's not because they think someone else is making money off using their music on youtube, but it's because they are losing money because people are turning to youtube to listen to music for free. A little math: Situation A: 100 people buy a CD X $15.99 per CD = $1599.00 Situation B...
  6. kristy2078

    2012 Bankruptcy

    It really depends on many things. Books are less popular now thanks to e-readers and online subscriptions, as are VHS movies. It doesn't make sense to keep making products people won't buy. As for Twinkies.... well, nice to see them go :P *gag* If a business can't adjust, it's bound to...
  7. kristy2078

    Jesse Jackson Jr.: Obama should honor ’08 pledge, back $10 minimum wage

    No matter how high the minimum goes, there are still problems with housing inflation, mortage crisis, health care costs, college costs, etc. If we could drag those back down, the minimum wage wouldn't be an issue.
  8. kristy2078

    Oof! Romney continues to outraise Obama...

    I am not worried about the money, just who the candidates are affiliated with and what experience and opinions they have. Romney will not be getting my vote for many reasons.
  9. kristy2078

    Lack of interaction with women

    Look at you slandering girls left and right. No wonder you couldn't find someone. I promise you will find the same types here in the US and that there are Aussie men just as bad as the women you described. If you meet me, you won't get a date out of me because of your attitude. As for...
  10. kristy2078

    Lack of interaction with women

    Uhh... you cheated on her. You deserved to be dumped.
  11. kristy2078

    Lack of interaction with women

    That would not work with me :P May I suggest talking about cats or dogs or animals? That's usually a good subject.
  12. kristy2078

    Lack of interaction with women

    Girls are more immature in college? How about those frat boys? I bet your perpsectives on girls are stemming from your religious background. Seriously, just wash your brain and stop with the stereotypes. Don't expect to form a relationship right away. Make friends and get to know the...
  13. kristy2078

    Lack of interaction with women

    You know, a university is not really the best place to find a potential life mate. Many couples that start in school don't make it far after graduation. Also, you are young, so take the time to observe the different types of people out there, and you have already started taking notes. But...
  14. kristy2078

    Were deaf man's rights violated?

    The best thing to do about getting an interpreter in an emergency like this is to notify the ER in advance and they will call up an interpreter with the victim en route in the ambulance. Then, the victim can get medical care and the police can take their report at the hospital. This is easier...
  15. kristy2078

    New product for 911 Ctrs and Univ security offices

    I really hope this 911 text system will be permanent and nation-wide. I know that Verizon is working on it. Texting would be easier then trying to keep an actuall relay call; texting would allow one to watch out for danger, send when there is a good spot of reception (instead of cutting the...
  16. kristy2078

    Medical question

    Barriers for deaf patients in the medical world: 1. attitude from the medical staff towards deafness 2. access to communication in the lab and exam room (via notes or interpeter, whichever the patient prefers) 3. access to telecommunication (partly related to #1 above) 4. some doctors...
  17. kristy2078

    Deaf meme

    There's a new thing floating around on FB, and I think it's really cool: (credit: Kenneth W. Brown III and Sarah Hannah Brown)
  18. kristy2078

    Gallaudet is perfect

    I recommend federal loans, not private loans. You get more options with payments after graduation compared to private loans. You can always work during the summer to make extra money to go towards. Someone mentioned FAFSA, and you definitely should sign up for it and fill in the...
  19. kristy2078

    Who do you think you are related to?

    Yeah, I used to use, then I got really mad when access become paid-only. That must piss off people who had submitted information about their families. Anyway, I do have an assortment of families, and one great-grandmother mentioned that we might be related to President Franklin...
  20. kristy2078

    Kindle Fire--no captions/subtitles

    So it seems neither Nook nor Kindle actually have the captions/subtitles option, and to get that, I would have to go through several processes (i.e. use a converter program). I see that Nook streams from Netflix and Hulu, and you should know that neither one of these sites is generous with...