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  1. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    I wasn't talking about consumerism, I was talking about their personalities, who they are--attention and money moochers with no interest in people's well-being.
  2. kristy2078

    Poll: Supreme Court Likely to Strike Health Care Law

    kokonut: Faux News? :barf: PS: Obama is trying to tweak the system so more people get health care benefits, but Romney wants to get rid of Medicare and raise the Medicare eligibiliy age (oddly, he doesn't plan to do that until 2022).
  3. kristy2078

    Poll: Supreme Court Likely to Strike Health Care Law

    If Romney will allow those parts to remain. So far he has said that he would allow young adults to stay on their parents' plans up to 26, allow people who already have a plan but have a pre-existing condition to keep the coverage when switching to a new job or a new plan. But it's Romney...
  4. kristy2078

    House panel finds Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt

    This? "What president was not hiding anything?" :roll:
  5. kristy2078

    House panel finds Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt

    Where exactly did I get off track? All I did was cite possible reasons for this administration for the cover-up and kokonut was helpful to show me otherwise. Oh yeah, you are one of those people I have seen arguing about who's going off track. :roll:
  6. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    She was probably smart to think campaigning and speaking on shows and writing books would make her richer than Alaska could afford, so she took off for that option. And her daughter is on the same track...
  7. kristy2078

    House panel finds Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt

    What president was not hiding anything? Plus, the documents might have locations and names of gun traffickers, and if these people find out they were being watched, they will pack up and move to new locations. Then, the feds would have to start all over again to find these people. Also, the...
  8. kristy2078

    Texas Dad and the rapist/molester....

    The media will do what it takes to get more publicity out of people involved. I have read articles where the perp or victim's address was listed, even email addresses and phone numbers. I do wonder if the neighbor consented to having their information released or if they were bribed?
  9. kristy2078

    Texas Dad and the rapist/molester....

    If you believe in Hell, sure. But I don't, and I believe there is a personal hell in prison for pedophiles. Prisoners have zero tolerance for pedos, and pedos would never find peace in prison. If a pedo is dead, he is not suffering at all. As for SYG, I do believe there are limits. You...
  10. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    I don't like golfing, but you know what I think is worse than Obama or Bush golfing? Sarah Palin shooting wild game with a high power rifle from a helicopter. Or running a reality TV show. Granted, she's not a president, but she did run for 2012 and is considering 2016.
  11. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    Big problems started before Obama took office. Clinton and Bush started a lot of issues, including the mortgage crisis and wars. No president has ever required tuition caps in order for a college to receive financial aid, and look at schools taking advantage of fin aid and jacking their...
  12. kristy2078

    Adult children move back home in tough economy

    Shared housing shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. With the mortgage/rent prices the way they are now, it's not economically feasible to live alone for many people. It's really a US attitude towards people who live in shared housing. If you look at other countries, shared housing is very...
  13. kristy2078

    Man Attacks Girlfriend with Spicy Surprise

    Sounds like they had enough wasabi sauce worth that much...
  14. kristy2078

    Why foreigners want to marry American citizen?

    My best friend was in Mexico for a vacation with her family, and some local had proposed to her. She was like 15 or 16 at the time :P
  15. kristy2078

    What are some famous deaf actors/actresses?

    It does bother me when a deaf character exits the screen and the other characters just go right back to talking with their voices. But you know it's just a drama show, nothing more. I haven't watched much TV in the last ten years or so, plus I didn't have cable for a long while. The only...
  16. kristy2078

    Airport of full body scanners and enhanced pat-downs >>VOTE???

    The scanners were probably programmed to not worry about CIs as they have very small amount of metal and whatever other materials, and it's practically impossible to implant a strong enough bomb in someone's head. Sure someone could wear a wig and hide a bomb in there, but wigs are easy to...
  17. kristy2078

    What are some famous deaf actors/actresses?

    haaa I am not crazy about Switched at Birth, either, but my best friend loves it. Of course, she's a sucker for drama :roll: Though, I don't feel the show is really centered around Deaf people at all. Just a typical show that claims to be culturally diverse by including deaf people. It's...
  18. kristy2078

    When is the critical period for language?

    The problem with helpless parents and clueless doctors is that they are so focused on hearing and speaking as the only ways to learn a language. There are studies done on babies who learned signs before they learned to speak, and they had better language development than babies who didn't...
  19. kristy2078

    My husband's ears ringing...Advice?

    When he was younger, did he listen to loud music or attend rock concerts? Youthful damage can take years to catch up :P Other than that, I agree with what others have said about tinnitus being caused by high blood pressure and diabetes and some other diseases. Your husband should get a...
  20. kristy2078

    Verizon Unlimited Data Plans For Grandfathered Customers To End Soon

    I suppose the thread I am about to start is similar to this one, so I will just join in this one. another article It looks like Verizon is catching on to videophone technology, so that means if anyone uses VP on their phone, tablet, or whatever, they will use up their data very quickly...