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    welcome to alldeaf
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    Hi.!newbie here! I'm from Philippines,by the way

    wwelcome to all deaf sandra
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    Want Partners to make a film

    i will love to read your book,where can i find it?what is the title?
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    Hello, am a new guy

    welcome to alldeaf i am for nigeria in africa ,where are u from in africa?
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    Hi to all

    welcome to alldeaf
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    new to all deaf and just wanted to say hello

    welcome to alldeaf
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    my name is khan

    you are right flip,very good movie
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    Whats your ethnic background?

    nigerian on both side
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    my name is khan

    thanks alex shahrukh is a very good actor
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    good movie starred nicholas cage
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    mine is the listener
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    Actor Tony Curtis died

    rest in peace tony
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    Batman May Have Been a Yale Law Grad

    he is a lawyer
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    my name is khan

    i love this movie star shah rukh khan "my name is khan" any one watch it before?
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    Hey There!

    thanks for the information,i wish someone can starts this in my country too,that will be great
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    Hi from Lithuania!

    welcome dear to alldeaf have fun
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    Hello from P.A.

    welcome dear to alldeaf
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    you are welcome
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    Hi from Georgia

    have fun dear