Search results

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    A lengthy introduction...

    welcome to alldeaf
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    What are your favorite sports??

  3. E

    Hi all, new guy saying hi

    welcome to alldeaf
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    welcome to alldeaf
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    Hello from Kentucky!

    welcome to alldeaf
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    new from new jersey

    welcome to alldeaf
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    Hey from a Newbie!

    welcome to alldeaf
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    New from Pt. Charlotte, FL

    welcome to alldeaf
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    You are a bad girl, Missywinks!

    happy birthday
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    what is your nationality?

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    i need female friends

    you are welcome
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    i need female friends

    that very much friend,i was getting sick of this all
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    Deaf men stabbed over sign language

    that is crazy
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    How do you talk with your boy/girlfriend?

    hi friend what is kinds of phone is a vp200?i am for nigeria and i have not see this kinds of product for the deaf here,is still only available in america
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    How do you talk with your boy/girlfriend?

    by texting one another,but when we are together since i lipread i can understands what she is saying but if i did not hear her clearly .she will write it down on paper
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    Interpreters and Investigators needed.

    do you have office in nigeria or africa? i will like to work with you thanks
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    i need female friends

    what do you want to know? just ask me an question and i will reply u as for your question i am not
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    Hi from NY
