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  1. C

    Has anyone read Marley & Me ?

    Yes it is a hilarious book, you should get a book called Dog Whisper by Cesar Millian. :)
  2. C

    Has anyone read Marley & Me ?

  3. C

    Women Health- Pre ovulation and ovulation

    When we (women) talk about our menstrual cyle, I know it is a personal thing to talk about on a forum. I feel it is important that we should talk about sometimes. The subject on "pre ovulation" and ovulation might be digusting to some people in here and it can be moved to somewhere more...
  4. C

    Buying a house

    Shel, I hope you will get that house. It looks like a nice house and hopefully it is in a good neighborhood. Let us know if you got it or not :D
  5. C

    Homophoia/Transphobia, the effects and how to stop them

    I have to admit that I do not feel comfortable being around people who had undergone transgender change because they remind me of pedophile. I know they are different, but still. Why would a man want to get a castration and seek an estrogen treatment? Why can't he just say he likes men and acts...
  6. C

    Did am I right to do about not truth married :(:(

    Be sure to stay out and tell your friend that it is none of her business to get involved either.
  7. C

    why rich people are so snobby?

    Can you figure out if the IP is the same IP as Miss P/Empire/TT/Taco Bell. What ever this person makes up a statement about Los Angelos being colder than Memphis is false. I used to live in Tennessee and it is colder than California. No question. :ugh3:
  8. C

    Have anyone ever had an open relationship?

    I totally agree with what you said.
  9. C

    anybody you went to London,England trips before?

    I was in England for six months for school in 2005 and loved it. Would love to go back again.
  10. C

    is fruit part of dessert?

    I vote yes.
  11. C

    your parents says OK for dating oversea? like girls or boys

    I hope I didn't offtend you in any way. I think you should stay away from dating men online. If they can't find a nice lady, then maybe they are up to something dirty. None of your family know him and you haven't met him. This is a good way to get away with his crimes.
  12. C

    Drugs and relationships.

    Sometimes dating people who are into drugs aren't good idea to begin a relationship with. She prefers drugs over you, thats sad. I hope you will find someone better who is drug free.
  13. C

    Does anyone hates weddings?

    I like to attend many different kinds of weddings because not all are the same.
  14. C

    Have anyone ever had an open relationship?

    I don't think it is a good idea. When a person brings it up, it means he or she is looking for something better than what their partner can offer in the relationship.
  15. C

    do you feel sorry for Paris?

    Nah, I don't think so. She is very spolied so I believe that prison will teach her that world is not around her. Don't get me wrong, I do like her, but I think sometimes she is too much.
  16. C

    why rich people are so snobby?

    Quit making excuses for yourself, I just don't buy it. Go out and have FUN! Who cares if someone acts snob. If you truly care, obvious they offended you in a simple way. Why don't you treat yourself something good for one weekend? Ask a girl or a guy who you spoken to once in a while to...
  17. C

    why rich people are so snobby?

    Don't worry about them, you have no reason to start a conversation with em. Go out and do your own things. Find something to have fun and don't be bitter! You can join a cool club like playing a frisbee on the campus or joining a camp club. The point is to make a new friend is to be yourself...
  18. C

    Feeding issues with my deaf daughter.

    She is testing your authority and wants your attention. It seems like she is a smart baby since she knows how to make you do things in her own way. If I were the parent, I would refuse to feed her the bottle. First few days, I can predict that she will give out a tantrum and a lot of crying. I...
  19. C

    Do you treat human and animal equal?

    I would say we are on the same page about this issue, but animals deserve a respect from people. I don't think we should be responsible to take care of animals in the wild or even feed them. Its not our job to nurse wild animals.
  20. C

    Child Custody Battle

    It sounds like to me that he is using the deafness thing to pull you down easily. Since you and he know each other for twenty years, he knows how to push your button and make you angry. Try not to get pissed off, but look for a solution to the problem. One of you can sit and talk things out and...