Search results

  1. M

    If you wear glasses (spectacles) and hearing aids or a cochlear implant....

    Which did you start wearing first, and which do you start wearing first on a morning?
  2. M

    If you wear two hearing aids now...

    but there was a time when you only wore one, in which ear did you wear this one, and why was the change to two made.? Did you, before you got two, think that two would be better and ask your audiologist about the possibility of this?
  3. M

    Imagine you are told...

    on your next visit to your audiologist that there is a make of ite's that is suitable for you to wear with your hearing loss, instead of your bte's. On a scale of 1 (definitely not) to 10 (yes, I would much prefer them to my bte's) would you agree to your audiologist's suggestion? Have
  4. M

    If you were told...

    before you went to a certain place that hearing aids were banned, but because you cover yours with your hair, would you still wear them? (And the place I have in mind... Iraq, when Saddam Hussein was in power. I am not sure where I read this, but I think I saw it in two places.)
  5. M

    Opinions about hearing aids

    No, I am most certainly NOT a researcher for a hearing aid company! (But thank you for thinking I am!) I actually work at a paging bureau, where (of course) about 99% of the pager messages are for hearing people, but it has been worked out that we each, on average, deal with one message per...
  6. M

    Opinions about hearing aids

    OK, correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think anybody likes their hearing aid/s TOTALLY, but I would be interested to learn what it is you don't like about yours, and whether you have read anything about hearing aids that your current one/s don't have and that you will ask your audiologist for...
  7. M

    Are you happy...

    with how many other people other than yourself who wear hearing aids where you work? Do they do the same role as you? If you are the only person that does, how soon would you introduce yourself to a new starter to where you work or talk about hearing aids to somebody who has been with where...
  8. M

    If you have been unfortunate enough...

    not to have a spare battery with you when it has run out completely, have you left your hearing aid in your ear, or taken it out?
  9. M

    If you own bte's AND ite's

    but don't wear either all of the time, which do you wear when? If you were to choose one to wear all of the time, which would it be - bte's or ite's, and why?
  10. M

    If you have worn more than one type (eg, bte, ite etc)

    of hearing aid, which were they, why was the change made and did you want the change, or was it your audiologist's idea? Would you NOW want to go back to the other one, and if you saw a different audiologist, would you ask him or her about it?
  11. M

    If your present hearing aid/s

    is/are beige, what colour would you want (assuming you did not want beige again) next time, and if your hearing aid/s is are not beige now, what colour/s is it/are they and is it/are they your first non-beige ones?
  12. M

    If you have worn digital and analogue...

    hearing aids, and you decided to wear only analogue now, why was this? Do you think you will ever go back to digital?
  13. M

    If a friend or relative...

    who wears hearing aids was to die or offer you their hearing aids because they are getting new ones, under what circumstances would you accept them and use them with the earmoulds you use on your current hearing aids?
  14. M

    If you wear glasses (spectacles) and hearing aids...

    and an audiologist started working at the place where you get your glasses (spectacles), would you prefer to see him or her, or the audiologist you see right now, and why, or, do you in fact go to the same outlet for your glasses (spectacles) already?
  15. M

    If when you wore a hearing aid/s for the first time...

    you covered it or them with your hair, and you don't do now, or you did not cover it or them with your hair then, and you do now, what influenced your change re this?
  16. M

    Which celebrity...

    who you know wears hearing aids, would you most like to meet, and why?
  17. M

    TV captions (just a vent)

    Let me tell you about a slight (ahem!) mistake made in the closed captions once here in Britain... the British Prime Minister was visiting a place called Helensburgh in Scotland, and the news anchor said, "And now over to our reporter with the Prime Minister in Helensburgh". Alas, the closed...
  18. M

    Only reply to this if there was someone...

    Yes, thanks, I was really more interested in type of hearing aid they were wearing - but thanks for your reply!
  19. M

    Only reply to this if there was someone...

    On a visit to your audiologist, was there any member of staff who you noticed was wearing hearing aids and what kind were they?
  20. M

    Ok, so I suppose it is unlikely...

    But if sometime in the future your audiologist says to you that the only hearing aids available are either waterproof or have rechargable batteries, which would you choose, and why?