Search results

  1. M

    How many different ....

    What do you mean by "warmest sound"?
  2. M

    How many different ....

    makers of equipment have you worn, and what has been the reason behind any change? Has it been more down to you or your audiologist? Have you seen or read about any particular equipment you want next time?
  3. M

    I lost a hearing aid...

    Personally, I do not consider d/Deaf people "disabled". Nor do I consider blind people, diabetics, or even people like myself (I have epilepsy) to be disabled. Nor does the World Health Organisation. We have "impairments" - ever heard a person described as "hearing disabled" or "visually...
  4. M

    Headphones and hearing aid(s) and cochlear implant(s)

    Do you and regularly wear headphones on top of your hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant(s), and if so, for how long? Or do you take off your hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant(s) and wear headphones on a regular basis, and if so, for how long? Did you wear headphones for any particularly...
  5. M

    Beige and beige....

    Recently I saw someone - under 20 years old, I'd say - who was wearing bte's... but they were two different shades of beige, and the controls on them were different. I did not ask her about them as she was talking to someone, but I wonder if you could identify why she was wearing "non-identical...
  6. M

    With reference to your latest audiogram....

    in which ear do you have the greater hearing loss, and at what frequency was it? Has your hearing loss changed from the previous audiogram?
  7. M

    How old were you the first time....

    you wore "non-beige" equipment, and was this as a result of you asking your audiologist about it, or did he or she suggest it?
  8. M

    12-year-old boy could face life in prison after alleged robbery attempt, killing

    As a Brit, surely this case indicates the craziness of you Americans "being allowed to bear arms". Why do you Americans really find it necessary to have weapons?
  9. M

    How many other pupils...

    at your school or students at your university wore hearing aids/cochlear implants?
  10. M

    If you are wearing "non-beige" hearing aids now....

    Are they the first coloured ones that you have worn, and what has been the difference in colour compared with any other you have worn?
  11. M

    Apart from the audiologist.....

    who else at the place you go re your hearing aids/cochlear implants, who works there, also wear hearing aids/cochlear implants?
  12. M

    If you have met or...

    would want to meet anybody famous who wears hearing aids or a cochlear implant, who would he/she/they be, and if you've not met them yet, why do you want to meet them?
  13. M

    If initially you wore analogue equipment, then changed to digital....

    and have since changed back to analogue, how long did you wear digital for, and what made you change back to analogue?
  14. M

    If, with your hearing aid(s) or cochlear implant(s)...

    you also wear glasses (spectacles), which do you put on first, on a morning - if you always choose the same?
  15. M

    Did you or do you...

    ever have a teacher, professor or lecturer - or at any time that you can think of re your education - who wears or wore hearing aids or a cochlear implant?
  16. M

    When you got the hearing aid(s) you wear now....

    Did you keep the earmoulds from the hearing aid(s) you wore previously? What has made you change your earmoulds specifically?
  17. M

    Wearing of hearing aids or ci's when flying

    Although I believe there are no restrictions about the wearing of hearing aids or cochlear implants when flying (please correct me if I am wrong on this!) I know somone who takes out her hearing aids when she is "up in the air", because of the sound of the plane's engines. What do you do when...
  18. M

    Covering of hearing aids with your hair

    This morning, I saw a girl, who was (I suspect) no more than 14 years old, who was wearing full shell ite's (her hair was tied back). I wonder what the attitude of the female members of this url was when they were that age, and whether they now cover their hearing aids with their hair, and what...
  19. M

    Are Oticon Hearing Aids Any Good?

    You guys may be interested to learn that on various places on the internet (too many to list) there is a video called "oticon hearing aid" with a woman called Anne Marie Curry in it. I found her profile - along with other videos she has done on and in none of the other videos is she...
  20. M

    If you wear bte's now but...

    Your audiologist tells you following a hearing test that you have, ite's might be OK for you. Would this: shock you, please you because you have not really liked your bte's, ask "are you sure", know this is VERY unlikely, or provoke a different reaction? What would you do with your bte's if...