Search results

  1. Raikon316

    WWE Wrestlemania 26 Sunday March 28,2010 in Phoenix,AZ

    i don't care about all wrestle show(WWE,ECW,TNA,NXT) because they all are Fake Action. UFC are the best real action beat up. Also Brock Lesnar is in there UFC and he doing good. :)
  2. Raikon316

    Have any of you felt extremely lonely & lost at some point...?

    :io: :grouphug: ooh wait... here i come :hug:
  3. Raikon316

    Who is single here?

    ah didn't see this thread btw i do am single and looking
  4. Raikon316

    Want to buy 96-98 Honda Civic

    I know it will rust and but got to do is take care of the car. Like when drive around on spring to fall season and at winter season just leave at the park whatever that have cover the car to protect. When see dirty over the car then wash it off complete clean.
  5. Raikon316

    Bass fishing Deaf style

    I do like any kind of fishing and i do have northern pike in Ohio but it hard to find them here. Heh, it remind me when I go 1st cast then the lure start lay on water right there by the side rock base and then northern pike strike about few sec. It scare me out then pull and got the pike on...
  6. Raikon316

    Want to buy 96-98 Honda Civic

    Hi, I was frustrating and I am still looking for Honda Civic 96'-98' that on For Sale. I want 2 door, 4 cycl., no rust, and no damage. Well if fender, bumper, and hood are damage that ok i can fix it. I just want enjoy working on that Honda Civic. If you got them or ur friend got them too and...
  7. Raikon316

    Raikon316 is Single

    no.. im not scammer, poweron :nutkick: yes i am Deaf when i was born then at age 4 became sick to deaf. :deaf:
  8. Raikon316

    Raikon316 is Single

    ooook for Yahoo IM messager it showtime for me to start looking :cool2:
  9. Raikon316

    Raikon316 is Single

    Hi... well im trying figure out what to say while post :hmm: Anyway I am still single for 7 years from lost engagement when i was age 22 then it time for me to find some girls right now :cool2: because im really lonely and bored to chatting with friend, family and etc. I do not have IM...
  10. Raikon316

    hello from Ohio

    Hi my true name is Stevie, was born Oct 30,1980 and at age 5 got sick then became Deaf. I'm Outdoor guy (go fishing, hunting, camping with beer bash party, etc.) and never stop listen music. I can talk, ASL and I wear hearing aids too that way I can hear music also. I was bored then start...
  11. Raikon316

    Single but NOT Looking

    I lost my engagement when I was age 22, I'm free to be single all the way to 7 years while not looking for any girls then I got lonely in Apartment and got Bored while chatting with my friend, family and etc. Maybe you will get lonely and bored in ur Apartment or Home. so good luck and go drink...
  12. Raikon316


    hello there :cool2: here mine Raikon the Paladin Moritsume the Assassin DW Frost Tauren Deathknight
  13. Raikon316

    New WoW Player has Joined

    Hello im new to this, im looking for more WoW Deaf Player because i am alone in Duskwood and Darkspear US server. I hope if there anyone is that are deaf out there that play World of Warcraft online?