Search results

  1. marcyp06

    ITP - Associate Degree Programs

    Not all places require the RID certification. Its prefferable to have, but not always required. Sadly some places dont even know it exists. Ask around in the area you want to work.
  2. marcyp06

    Electronic ASL dictionary

    No way ! Thank you so much for the link :-D This is something I would love to see become wide-spread so the price can drop and it will be available in more places!
  3. marcyp06

    Best Deaf Studies/Interpereting programs?

    Between finances not working out and the new RIT certification guidelines im starting to worry that im not going to make it. I have never wanted something as much as this. I quit my job, moved away from family and friends, everything just so I can pursue this dream. Yet things just keep piling...
  4. marcyp06

    ITP - Associate Degree Programs

    If I have to have a BA to get RIT certified then I may not be ablet o get certified. The cost of going to school for 4 years is just far too high :-( What is the reasoning for this? If the person can pass the test and has sufficient knoweledge of ASL and Deaf culture, why is that not enough...
  5. marcyp06

    Seattle, WA or Portland, OR?

    The Seattle program is absolutely wonderful. It is all encompassing in Deaf culture, not just the base interpereting courses.
  6. marcyp06

    Best Deaf Studies/Interpereting programs?

    I've already filed bankruptcy because of a divorce so its nothing new to me. The only way I can get grants is if I go full time. I know this sounds crazy but I have waited so long to really do what I want so I'm set on finding a way to do it. My ex wife has $70,000 worth of loans from 6 years of...
  7. marcyp06

    Feedback on this?

    I think you did the right thing. Maybe meeting the client in person just to say hi and ask if they would like an interpereter and make sure they are comfortable with the communication levels. I had job orientation with a deaf friend back in October. The terp they hired for him was HORRIBLE...
  8. marcyp06

    Best Deaf Studies/Interpereting programs?

    That's a thought I will have to talk to an advisor about it. The problem is that SCC is a community college. Tuition is as cheap as it comes. Its living expenses that I need loans for. I've tried to go to school and work at the same time before and I ended up flunking out of school. Twice. So I...
  9. marcyp06

    Best Deaf Studies/Interpereting programs?

    Seattle Central recently stopped taking Federal Loans including secondary loans through companies such as Sallie Mae. They do still take Federal Grants, scholarships, and personal bank loans. SC has a Deaf Studies program and an Interpereting program, both are 90 credit 2 year programs but can...
  10. marcyp06

    Best Deaf Studies/Interpereting programs?

    Thats why im asking. I dont WANT to, but I WILL if it means I can get funding. Im still doing my best to find a solution and go to Seattle because I know their program is fantastic, but if that doesnt work out I want some other options to consider. I really want to do this.
  11. marcyp06

    Best Deaf Studies/Interpereting programs?

    Ive been planning to go to Seattle Central because their program has amazing reviews. But they dont take any federal loans or secondary loans. So I will have to take out bank loans to pay for school and I doubt thats going to work. Where are the other GOOD programs?
  12. marcyp06

    Electronic ASL dictionary

    Has anyone considered marketing this? Obviously the technology is there. The iASL app is fabulous for iPhone but the other versions suck. You can pick up electronic dictionaries for many different languages, so why not ASL? It seems like it would be easy enough to have the videos on a handheld...
  13. marcyp06

    Sorenson Ntouch

    So why can I not pay for it? I just think its silly. I would pay to be able to have VP access at home and on the go.