Search results

  1. marcyp06

    HTC Thunderbolt

    Wow! I have Verizon with original Droid. 3G is spotty and sometimes slow so excited to hear about Thunderbold being good! Maybe now I will not have to switch to Sprint. I want video call ability! How much more is 4G per month does anyone know?
  2. marcyp06

    HTC Thunderbolt

    With Verizon??
  3. marcyp06

    What's the best Phone for Deaf people?

    12 Deaf people in my small community have Samsung Galaxy. Also many like Samsung Epic and HTC Evo, and iPhone. All have P2P video phone call ability w/ VCO and relay, and have ITP relay as well. Plus all other cool smartphone things!
  4. marcyp06


    I agree with that. And I shouldnt have just used the word "autism" on its own. All im saying it that some of the behaviors are common for a child on the spectrum as a whole. Though it could also be just a very particular toddler. In any case I do belive there should be follow up so that IF there...
  5. marcyp06

    Reba, I just remembered something.

    Hope your day has been FANTASTIC! :-)
  6. marcyp06


    It frusturates me SO much when "professionals" advise you to wait for answers. Trust your mommy instincts. Ive worked with autistic and behaviorally challenged kids for quite a few years and your son definatley has some key signs. Continue to talk to doctors and specialists until you find...
  7. marcyp06

    So along comes Miss Amazing.... :)

    Good for you for being so considerate, you sound like a keeper ;-) Best bet is always to ask, but a quieter place is probably a good idea. Somewhere with decent lighting may be good as well (it doesnt have to be BRIGHT, just enough to see each others faces well). As for the car just ask if she...
  8. marcyp06

    How do you want to call 911?

    This is a national survey being conducted by the FCC to see how people with disabilities want to call 9-1-1 in the future when they can use the Internet to send pictures, video, texts, as well as voice telephone calls. This is an important accessibility objective! When you need to call for help...
  9. marcyp06

    My signing baby

    OMG soooo cute! :-)
  10. marcyp06

    transition to kindergarten meeting -- help

    Agreed. Make it about your child and his needs. Dont bash on the assigned school, just talk about the resources available in your preffered school and how he can prosper from that. I would call the Director of Special Education Services and talk with that person, explaining the situation. I...
  11. marcyp06

    Video overload! My niece and nephew (both deaf)

    Its complicated lol. My ex girlfriend's brother is Melika's dad.
  12. marcyp06

    Why do parents insist on ear piercings on babies and toddlers?

    I remember wearing those, but they were antiques. Does anyone know if they still sell them?
  13. marcyp06

    Questions about Verizon phones for the deaf...

    My friend had the LG Ally and adored it. If you are looking for video ability iPhone4 and Thunderbolt are your best options. But honestly Verizon isnt the best deaf-friendly provider.
  14. marcyp06

    Why do parents insist on ear piercings on babies and toddlers?

    I wish my parents had gotten my ears pierced when I was a baby because I had very low pain tolerance when older and would preffer to not remember it. I think it is good if parents insist on pierced ears to do it yhoung because its easier for parent to keep baby's ears clean than active toddler...
  15. marcyp06

    ABC/Classifiers Game

    Ive never heard of the hadnshape having to be a specific word. This is one of my favs: ASL ABC Story
  16. marcyp06

    ABC/Classifiers Game

    Aggression/aggressive? Ive seen it wil A hands and E hands...
  17. marcyp06

    Would a d/hh kid ever not have an IEP?

    Even a child who attends speech for a stutter, or a child who does occupational therapy to help with a weak pencil grip, have an IEP. At least around here. If they are receiving specialized services. We have a 4th grade HH girl who is oral only and does NOT have an IEP but she does not receive...
  18. marcyp06

    Signs of various cultures and religions

    I really enjoy watching other sign languages. But it makes me nervous too because at this point I am still new enough to ASL that im a bit scared I would end up confusing signs!
  19. marcyp06

    Video overload! My niece and nephew (both deaf)

    Yes after video I put cords up. They are both smart :-)
  20. marcyp06

    Video overload! My niece and nephew (both deaf)

    Got to see my niece and nephew this weekend, havent seen them in a few months! So exciting to see them, took LOTS of pics and video, so now I will overwhelm you!! Melika calls horse dog Damien helps feed horses, Melika explores animals Melika walking, playing Melika loves her Daddy...