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  1. Handsome_Smiley

    Signs you are showing way too much 90's MENTALITY

    Hey, already found and posted already.
  2. Handsome_Smiley

    If you were the 80's child,

    lol, Someone found them before me!!!!
  3. Handsome_Smiley

    Dinner Date

    Well, umm, some fancy places don't have plates that cost over 30 dollars. With my wife, we go to fancy places for our anny or birthdays, but for normal causes, we go to other places.
  4. Handsome_Smiley

    What Do You Want From A Woman?

    Umm, I have been to ASDB with my wife, been to the deaf awareness activities at her school, meet lots of different deaf ppl from Tucson and El Paso. met a lot that didn't have a model face and or body and noticed that the ones I met don't judge on looks. I also know that each deaf culture is...
  5. Handsome_Smiley

    Slogans for Women's T-shirts!!!

    :LOL: I like the 1st one the best.
  6. Handsome_Smiley

    Signs you are showing way too much 90's MENTALITY

    I don't have it, if I find it or get the email again, I will post it.
  7. Handsome_Smiley

    How to fire your lover?

    What you talking about!!!! That is how she breaks up with her bfs!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::run: *finds a place to hide*
  8. Handsome_Smiley

    Questions for women

    I posted a new thread to ask what size women would like and everything, please check it out. I posted it in a different area, so not to take away attention from this thread.
  9. Handsome_Smiley

    What Do You Want From A Woman?

    I joined cause I like the deaf culture better then hearing. They don't judge on looks or how someone talks. Now, you taking cheap shots to myself abt who I am. I don't know me behind the computer, and I don't know you. I don't know how you really are in person, and if me met in person and found...
  10. Handsome_Smiley

    List 10 things reason why it's good and 5 bads to be single female

    LOL, i agree, she might want to try the whole lesbo thing, maybe she can find a good women that will treat her good, unlike a dude. Also, Deaf, you need to stop looking at the neg of a guy and focus more on the good parts. no one is perfect.
  11. Handsome_Smiley

    Is It True That A Woman Shouldn’t Pursue A Man Or Initiate A Relationship Because He

    That is kinda like saying when a women says "no," she means "yes." It makes no sense. Every guy is different, like every gal. I say just take that advice and throw it out the window.
  12. Handsome_Smiley

    Self inflicted deaf girlfriend?

    Sounds like she has more problems then wanting to be deaf. I like the fact I can hear, cause I can slip in and out of the deaf culture. Only thing I don't like abt the culture is that a lot love to gossip. It is true. Want all deaf ppl to know something in less then a day, tell a deaf person.:eek3:
  13. Handsome_Smiley

    a linguist says "hi!"

    I as well not a native signer too, since I learned to sign from my wife. I didn't know sign till I met her back in 2001. Our kids are to young to understand a survey.
  14. Handsome_Smiley

    Gender Items Check It Out !

    lol, i like the remote one
  15. Handsome_Smiley

    Funny moments for Doctors

    lol, i like number 7 the best too
  16. Handsome_Smiley

    Hearing guys and "Children of a Lesser God"

    I can say that I have never watched that movie. Also, I like to watch movies with sign in it to see if they use the correct signs. It goes with watching military movies, see if the person has the right rank on or how his uniform is wrong. It just that it is a different culture for us that are...
  17. Handsome_Smiley

    Is it okay to date ASL Interpreter lady?

    Well, I have not taken the ASL Cert Course yet, but I do know some of the code of ethics. If they do state dating, the lady can't interpret for him. Also, if they break up, it would be weird if she ends up getting a job interpreting for him as well. He can try it. I know some deaf that end up...
  18. Handsome_Smiley

    Understanding Men!!!

    Not all those are true, most are,, well, ok, you got us this time!!! :lol:
  19. Handsome_Smiley

    How to fire your lover?

    Should give that to one of my friends, she might get a kick out of that
  20. Handsome_Smiley

    Choosing A Wife
