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  1. Handsome_Smiley

    Parents of Children: You must watch this!

    one place you can go is the fire department. Also, depending where you are, they have free car seat checks at malls or other big areas to make sure everyone's car seats are installed right. If I remember, they say 9 out 10 car seats are not installed right.
  2. Handsome_Smiley

    what old your parents when you were born?

    My twin sisters just found that info out last August. They are 38 and they found my mother and I last summer.
  3. Handsome_Smiley

    To be a Democrat means:

    That is one of the fastest ways to get me pissed with someone. I have a boss that likes to play jokes on everyone, but if you play a joke on him, you in trouble. My feelings, if you give it, then you better be ready to take it too.
  4. Handsome_Smiley

    Children and Speech

    I agree. Had CPS called on us cause my son was small. Found nothing wrong with him, we where then forced to keep ECI and we didn't have the freedom to do everything we wanted like before. :topic: Know who you talking about, I like that dude too. Tour in Germany is going ok, just ready to get...
  5. Handsome_Smiley

    Shut up and sign!!!!

    we tell ethan he has to sign and we yell at him. He will sign to mom with out a problem if I am not home
  6. Handsome_Smiley

    Is it okay to date ASL Interpreter lady?

    You can not have an unbois opinion or actions if you have a relationship with someone. Can try as hell, but it will be totally be for soft or hard. If some how, can stay in between, then also have the appearance to everyone around you. If you saw 2 ppl, and know they are not married and...
  7. Handsome_Smiley

    To be a Republican

    There is no difference in both parties. They promise one thing, and do whatever they can to just get more money or help their business parters out. Think it is also funny how at 1st, they thought this war in Iraq will be the way voter's will go, now, it sounds like Iraq not going to be a hot...
  8. Handsome_Smiley

    Children and Speech

    I hear ya. My daughter's doc tried to make it sound like we where bad parents, cause she is under the charts. Told her my son only 10 lbs heavier then her and almost a foot taller, and he is 3 years older. She ended up losing her job and released from she position, not just me, but other...
  9. Handsome_Smiley

    Is it okay to date ASL Interpreter lady?

    There is a reason behind it. It is called favoritism. it also can work on the other end of it, be even more strick on them. It works in the army too. 2 ppl that are dating are not suppose to be in the same chain of command. Others can fell that person being strick on them, or their partner...
  10. Handsome_Smiley

    Oral vs. ASL joke

    lol, that kinda brutal.
  11. Handsome_Smiley

    What would you do????

    I say met him so that way you can find out your medical history from him. Also, so he can met his daughter. But if you want to have a relationship with him, let him know he can't replace your step dad, and you can want to take your time to know him. Let your step dad know that in your eye, he...
  12. Handsome_Smiley

    Is it okay to date ASL Interpreter lady?

    I believe it falls into those lines. They are interpreters, but working for the school. They still have the follow the same lines as the teachers. They can't form any relationships with the students. Plus, that can also fall into the lines of legal age dating an illegal age. There are not that...
  13. Handsome_Smiley

    Children and Speech

    I would force the school do a formal apology. All in person, written and notice in the paper. They have no right to make that statement. I would also bring that up to the local news personal. Now, with my wife and I. Our oldest is in Kindergarten(German word that means kids and grade), the...
  14. Handsome_Smiley

    what old your parents when you were born?

    Damn, did he end up getting in trouble for that???? That kinda like my mother. She had a fake marriage, then got prego with my bro and the father ran off after finding out. My mother found out that he had fathered at least 3 other kids(one was in the labor same time my mother gave birth). Also...
  15. Handsome_Smiley

    Best deafie vs. hearie joke

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I think the beer one is good. Guess your face turned red. Had a hearing co-worker in college tell me a story. He was at the cafe eating a talking with friends. He was also checking out the gals there too. He spotted one. He...
  16. Handsome_Smiley

    Why is it so frustrated to find a right deaf lady?

    What I noticed with the little deaf groups my wife does hang out with, the women just like to play the field and fool around. The ones that want a relationship, find it early in their lifes. There are some few that break this habit, but it takes years, and some, an eye opener to have them...
  17. Handsome_Smiley

    Talking Dog

  18. Handsome_Smiley

    Deaf girls scam old men

    lol, guess there is a huge crime wave going on
  19. Handsome_Smiley


    lol, guess the vet got him
  20. Handsome_Smiley

    Where ice cream come from?

    ummm, I have an idea, but that don't belong in the part