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  1. Handsome_Smiley

    Is it ok for younger kids to play Dress up?

    there is nothing wrong, just how they learn
  2. Handsome_Smiley

    Calvin, give me a push!

    lol, knew they liked each other too mcuh
  3. Handsome_Smiley

    Korean Sign Language

    that is interesting, don't understand any of it, but it also reminds me that a lot of no signing friends of mine are surprised that sign is not the same from country to country
  4. Handsome_Smiley

    May I ask what you all do for a

    am a mech in the Army, so hours can be different every day
  5. Handsome_Smiley

    Anyone got

    i got bored and pissed with myyearbook, i only have facebook and myspace now
  6. Handsome_Smiley

    Pepsi's New Super Bowl Deaf Ad

    think that joke is funny
  7. Handsome_Smiley

    21 deaf all member say " I LOVE YOU" in style!

    Koala Baby Talk - Gaaa baaa gaa
  8. Handsome_Smiley

    Presidental Joke

    Then what other person can we put in the White House?
  9. Handsome_Smiley

    Moses and the Bush

    LOL, if he talked to Pres Bush, then yes, he be lost for 40 years again
  10. Handsome_Smiley

    Things Mom Teaches Us

    LOL, heard them before and still bring a smile to my face
  11. Handsome_Smiley

    Fun with Words

    lol, most of those are good
  12. Handsome_Smiley

    Pregnant and smokers

    not true, most of them are just soo hooked on it. plus, it helps calm ppl down in high stress
  13. Handsome_Smiley

    My three children. any others want to share photos of their family?

    Pic of my older two kids. My son when He was almost 2. He was in the stage of wanting to wear everything that is mine. Wait, he is still in that stage.
  14. Handsome_Smiley

    Pregnant and smokers

    Let you know, they found out that a women that quites cold turkey have worse effects on the baby then smoking normally. Also, docs tell women to cut back on the cigs. Try to smoke less and stop too the end of it, but never to quite cold turkey. Reason why, as the mother going through the...
  15. Handsome_Smiley

    Finally, Can see my wife and I

    Yes, another pic of my wife, thought it turned out good.
  16. Handsome_Smiley

    Finally, Can see my wife and I

    Ota, like some more, wife has a lot of pics, I just never get around to posting, she does on myspace. Coty is in two of the pics. Ethan can now ride his bike without training wheels, just needs help to get started, too short. Jazzy just being herself.
  17. Handsome_Smiley

    Need a Laugh?

    i think my kids would too
  18. Handsome_Smiley

    My three children. any others want to share photos of their family?

    cute kids, the bros going to make she the daughter gets no bfs?
  19. Handsome_Smiley

    Finally, Can see my wife and I

    we do, just could have killed my won right before the baby was born, he gave sissy a hair cut