Search results

  1. K

    If given the chance to be hearing would you?

    Honestly? I really don't know... I really don't. Right now? I'd say YES, I WANT HEARING! Why? Because I want to be able to understand my girlfriend more clearly whenever we talk to each other. It frustrates and irritates me when I am unable to understand her clearly. Then there's...
  2. K

    Linux or Window Server/Host

    I own a web-hosting company. Right now, the server we own are Linux-based ones, but we will be expanding to include Windows-based servers. My preference though? Linux and cPanel/WHM, as well as WHMCS. Excellent software solution after you've set up the server box either at a Datacenter like...
  3. K

    Assistance in finding hearing aid centers

    Bah, strange, I didn't get the same results. Ah well, it doesn't really matter. Many thanks, Hear Again!
  4. K

    Assistance in finding hearing aid centers

    Thanks! What did you use to get that result? Googling doesn't seem to always help in this sort of thing.
  5. K

    "Update your VP"

    Actually, you still need NAT. NAT translates everything for us. Essentially, what NAT does is, it helps you find, say, Then the router goes to find where and translates the name to an IP address. After finding the IP address, it returns the website that you want to...
  6. K

    "Update your VP"

    After I applied, I was caught by surprise at SorensonVRS popping up at my house, then I realized that they had attempted to contact me via email. Unfortunately at the time my email wasn't working, lol. I have an unusual setup in my network infrastructure. Basically, it's like this...
  7. K

    Assistance in finding hearing aid centers

    I need to know which hearing aid centers in Houston, TX can help me out, in getting my hearing aid repaired, getting an audio test and various other things related to that. I'm on medicaid, and right now, I have absolutely no clue where to go, or even which hearing aid centers provide the...
  8. K

    Wanderer of the Stars arrives here...

    Thanks, everyone for the welcoming! :)
  9. K

    Wanderer of the Stars arrives here...

    Well, not really. Then again, who knows? I'm originally from California. I'm now in Texas. Houston to be somewhat specific. Name's Nick. Though, I'm pretty sure I registered here before... can't seem to remember the ID and password. Ah well, no matter. I registered with this account. :x...