Search results

  1. K

    Linux or Window Server/Host

    Precisely. Or MSSQL. Then there's Cold Fusion and a few other things that are essentially Windows only. I'd use XAMPP over IIS any day.
  2. K

    Which OS do you prefer?

    Linux. All the way. (Even though I use Windows XP on my main box.) Specifically? Ubuntu Server Edition. Yes, you read that right. Ubuntu Server Edition as my desktop. (I've done this before too.) Once I've finished building my computers, I will be switching to Linux and virtualizing...
  3. K

    Tips for dating hearing women?

    And make damn sure you're teaching her some signs. And of course, ensure she knows the do's and don'ts of approaching you and trying to get your attention if you happen to not be looking at her.
  4. K

    The Keiro returns.

    Thanks, SG. Thanks, Hutts!
  5. K

    The Keiro returns.

    Lord, it took a while for me to remember this site... I've been here for a bit and posting without stating that I'd returned. It wasn't until I'd clicked on another page within the Google search for online deaf communities that I spotted AD's site address. The moment I saw it, I...
  6. K

    Is it very frustrating to try to sign with someone when you're fluent and they aren't

    I'm fairly fluent... but I guess not anymore, ever since I moved away from California. Right now, I feel more isolated than ever, due to the fact that I know literally no one who knows sign language in my area... aside from the SorensonVRS installer, Kunle at Houston, TX. I've gotten so...
  7. K

    a Domain annual fee issue

    Domain renewals should NOT cost more than $2 and $20. I've got mine priced at 15 dollars... though I'm considering adding a few more features to the domain offering to make it worth the $15. The company I get domains from is both eNom and ZoneEdit. And that's due to my reseller access to both...
  8. K

    "N" Wireless Routers for VP suggestions

    Maximum TV: How to Build a Hulu Desktop + Boxee PC | Maximum PC That's what I'm planning on building, but with a slight change. Namely, in the motherboard. I'll be basically leaving everything else on that list out, except for the computer box, the white one as pictured in the article...
  9. K

    Looking to Work from Home

    Got a website where we can check out your company? I'd like to verify your company as well as check out details of your company. There's too many companies out there that claim they're friendly only to rip off people. It's an understandable concern these days. Name of company? Location...
  10. K

    Question about SSI

    ... FUCK YES. I am tired of losing opportunities due to my hearing issues.
  11. K

    "N" Wireless Routers for VP suggestions

    Building my own router. It'll take a while, as I'll be compiling it directly from source... linux based router software with 4 wired ports and one wireless card in Master mode. ;x Then I can set it up exactly as I wish.
  12. K

    Question about SSI

    Ayup. It's always nice to know that, yeah. But yeah, it's extremely difficult to get off of SSI/SSDI.
  13. K

    My DeviantArt (Post your DeviantArt here!!)

    Keiro's DeviantART. WARNING: If you read my poems, you may find yourself crying. Please let me know that you've checked out the dA and I'll be sure to friend or reply back. :)
  14. K

    Linux or Window Server/Host

    Actually, you can make your own cPanel skins, and if you've got either Reseller or Root access to the cPanel/WHM installation, you could apply the visual template so that cPanel looks more customized to your service. Well... my systems use cPanel/WHM due to the fact that it is a standardized...
  15. K

    If you had to have a sign above your head all the time, what would it say?

    You really do not want to go there with me. Trust me. Do not go there. kthnxbye. That's what my sign would say, if I'm feeling really surly and irritated or pissed off. Otherwise it's... I'm wandering amidst the stars, seeking the One...
  16. K

    Im broke :(

    Broke. Living on SSI while trying to get yourself a better job is unbelievably difficult. Sometime I seriously wonder if it's even worth it...
  17. K

    Question about SSI

    Never had to apply for SSI. Had it my entire life. I do have to say though... it's saved my butt more than once in this crazy, screwed up economy... but it certainly doesn't leave me with much to get myself OFF of SSI... which is the major issue for me with SSI.
  18. K

    Deaf culture - do's and don'ts, etc. Let's make a list!

    ... Actually, this is more than a pet peeve for me. This has gotten into more of the range of, "Keep this crap up and I WILL simply just ignore you until you learn how to properly talk to me!" Another pet peeve of mine is when people come up behind me. More often than not, I'm in a location...
  19. K

    If The CC Doesn't Catch Up With The Words Being Said, Do You Turn It Off?

    I was the one that got the Knight Rider 2008 CC issue fixed. I sent them an email blasting them for the the CC lagging and being so out of sync that it's not even funny. I've also noticed the same issue with my DirecTV DVR. I've noticed that at times, it's WAY behind, as in from the beginning...
  20. K

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Damn straight. :| ... Need I say more? I get this from my girlfriend! My roommates! For c...ahhh, well... it's a major issue. ^- Likewise with my girlfriend and roomies. They've even stated I probably won't get my license in Houston Texas, due to my hearing! This pisses me off, more than...