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  1. NitroHonda

    New York City aims to ban cigarette sales to under 21s

    I'm just saying that --I-- didn't do none of that. Either way, there's a kid who mows our yard. He's like 12 or so. Kids DO earn their own money sometimes.
  2. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    In other words... they can do whatever the hell they want.
  3. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    I hope that it went down exactly as you said. Unfortunately, I'm going to keep on wearing my tinfoil hat for this one. I am immensely alarmed by the gradual loss of our rights since the Patriot Act was enacted enabling our "Protect to Serve" units in assisting with that. Shoot, the Coast Guard...
  4. NitroHonda

    New York City aims to ban cigarette sales to under 21s

    I never did none of that. I started wheeling and dealing golf balls when I was around 11 or so. I always had some change in my pockets. Packs back in the day were just a little over a buck.
  5. NitroHonda

    MEN clothes of course.

    Same here. I'm a simple t-shirt wearing kinda guy.
  6. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    Me too, Jiro. Me too... regardless of the reason it happened, if martial law in a major US city doesn't scare people just a little bit, they're probably comfortable with totalitarianism. Martial law in Boston didn't catch the suspect. Some guy that ventured outside his house to check on his boat...
  7. NitroHonda

    Fertilizer Plant explodes in West, Texas -- 60-70 dead

    PowerON is correct. It is a very proud Czechoslovakian community. Even though the country is no longer there, they hold their heritage close to heart. They would have a problem with you calling them Slovakian. Their kolaches are out of this world. I am blessed to have two outstanding...
  8. NitroHonda

    Fertilizer Plant explodes in West, Texas -- 60-70 dead

    Based on comments that I have read... it's a good thing I can't hear the terror in her voice. How awful.
  9. NitroHonda

    Fertilizer Plant explodes in West, Texas -- 60-70 dead

    :( My thoughts go out to them. UPDATE: EMS Director Says 60 To 70 Dead In West Explosion
  10. NitroHonda

    Fellow Students: Do You Get "Stuck" In ASL?

    I can be equally pissed off in both languages. I do not get "stuck" in one. If you're hearing... you're getting a verbal assault from me. If you're Deaf, then the assault is going to be visual. If you speak neither English nor ASL... no worries... whatever language you speak... you're gonna know...
  11. NitroHonda

    What's Your Night Out Tonight?

    I argued with the wife then we made up. Now I'm surfing the net while she's catching up on her Survivor episode from earlier this evening. We lead very simple lives really. If anything, we could work less. I do wish we didn't work so much from time to time... her job and her running the house...
  12. NitroHonda

    Why share news on Facebook?

    No. I own a pavement maintenance company. The bulk of my business is line striping but I've grown into a one-stop pavement company. Facebook and LinkedIn have been great in helping me grow my business. <--- that's me in the picture power sweeping an Amy's Ice Creams, a well-known local ice...
  13. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    Yeah... I'm jumping on the other side with this one. It's completely unrelated. Coincidental does not mean related.
  14. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    I don't doubt you. I know exactly what you said which is technically correct. It's not the overall "image" you're painting. Considering the content of your posts here... you ARE pretty notorious for overstating your case. It's all right. I do it too. :lol: Like I said... I've had no...
  15. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    Yeah... I've never had a problem carrying a backpack around NY. Me thinks Jiro's overstating his case a wee bit.
  16. NitroHonda

    Why share news on Facebook?

    I use it to promote our business. It seems to work.
  17. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    Are you looking at these via your phone or something? I can see all 57 images just fine.
  18. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    Nobody has any thoughts on this?