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  1. NitroHonda

    Pics of you - Part V

    My boss keeps riding me!
  2. NitroHonda controversy

    No it's not. It's a reference with sexual overtures. Certainly not one that I'd feel very comfortable saying. I get picked on enough already as is. I can talk and I never use the oral word. I'm Deaf and yes I can talk.
  3. NitroHonda

    To Reba and other terps.

    You being understanding or respectful matters very little though. It's not about that. There's a person there and that person has been through different stages of my life. The interpreter that I wrote this about was my college interpreter for several years and she has interpreted so many...
  4. NitroHonda

    list of deaf filmmakers

    I don't know about any of that but what I remember about Mark is how he would bible thump everybody at Gallaudet. He was into evangalism at the time. It was AWFUL! He and his wife were really disrespectful and harsh about that. They have since stopped so everything is all good now. I see them...
  5. NitroHonda

    747 Cargo Plane Crash in Afghanistan

    Well... that was a 747 loaded up with MRAPS (up armored HMMVs). Considering this weight shift, there simply wasn't enough height to recover.
  6. NitroHonda

    To Reba and other terps.

    I wrote this yesterday for the interpreters on my facebook. I would like to share here too because this is for all interpreters... I wanted to take the time to talk about sign language interpreters. Speaking as a Deaf person who lives the hearing world through a filter of interpreters...
  7. NitroHonda

    Looking for SEO services...

    SEO is search engine optimization. It is a service that people offer. They would "boost" websites in the rankings by optimizing the search-ability of the website itself. I'm going in another direction because SEO costs are a little too out of my range at this early time in my business's life...
  8. NitroHonda

    Down with RID! Down with RID! Down with RID!

    What started it all... IDP Calls for Transparency - YouTube Naomi's reason for resignation. Naomi Sheneman Statement Re: Resignation & Nomination Withdrawal - YouTube RID's response to Naomi's video. RID Board Responds to Merkin and Sheneman Resignations - YouTube Hmmm...
  9. NitroHonda

    Looking for SEO services...

    No longer looking. I have gone in a different direction. Thanks for replying.
  10. NitroHonda

    Mallard Duck and the nest with eggs in it

    I created a thread with this just now but I couldn't not add it here!
  11. NitroHonda

    Cat wearing a shark costume chasing a ducking while riding a Roomba

    One of the silliest things I have ever seen on the internet. Of course, I thought about all of our resident cat ladies here on alldeaf. This one's for all you cat folks. Full video at the link! Shark and Duckling! Happy Halloween from Roomba Cat Max-Arthur! Cat in Shark costume chases Duck -...
  12. NitroHonda

    Oh your Deaf?? You must not care about music

    To be frank... I don't give two shits if you're HoH or Deaf or deaf. You have hearing loss and I can relate to that aspect alone. Trying to categorize this whole "level" of loss into feelings of resentment is nonsense.
  13. NitroHonda

    Painting inside your home only

    Especially when you work with chlorinated rubber or alkyds like I do. It burns like crazy washing it off with xylene or acetone. Latex... you can remove by taking a shower but I do not offer latex as it does not last.
  14. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    Reba... I have to do some running around in a little bit but I promise I will respond later this evening or in the morning. I would like to do a little more research on trying to better answer your questions beforehand.
  15. NitroHonda

    Are signs on car windows illegal billboards?

    I advertise the hell out of our vehicles. They're not wrapped but they ARE lettered and decaled to the the max. It definitely works. As for the OP... Chip chip chipping away.
  16. NitroHonda

    New York City aims to ban cigarette sales to under 21s

    Murder and mayhem. Just like the drug cartels.
  17. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    Thank you for correcting me on the martial spelling but it could go either way!! Lol. There has to be a nefarious reason? How about... trust us, we're the government. I get the feeling that they view this as an opportunity to exploit the public safety exemption. They think they can get...
  18. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    Police perform house-to-house raids in Watertown MA ripping innocent families from their homes - YouTube
  19. NitroHonda

    Explosions at Boston Marathon finish line

    The people in Jiro's video were doing nothing but munching down on some Cheetos watching Pawn Stars. What did they do to warrant being held at gunpoint, being forcibly removed from their homes, and then being frisked down? Say what? It was never "declared"but marital law just got put to the test...