Search results

  1. NitroHonda

    Student got arrested in a major drug bust at Gallaudet University

    That online report is incorrect. Molly's been hit with a Felony II for life. She also received ZERO jail time. She was sentenced to two years probation which has been transferred to Houston. She has already reported to her probation officer and is resting at home comfortably with her family...
  2. NitroHonda

    Geez.. ruin your relationship in texting?

    Revenge is a dish best served cold! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
  3. NitroHonda

    Credit check for employment

    I completely agree with you. Overqualified is also another way for companies to say... I don't think you fit in here. Problem is... it gets overused and becomes... well like you said... a BS line.
  4. NitroHonda

    Geez.. ruin your relationship in texting?

  5. NitroHonda

    Credit check for employment

    That is your right. You ABSOLUTELY do NOT have to seek out employment from them. I will be honest though... I don't think you really understand why it's done. You're being a bit too hard assed on somebody knowing your credit yet you have no problem giving them a SSN or your DL or even your home...
  6. NitroHonda

    Credit check for employment

    You should never feel forced out of your home. Mad respect to you both for sticking it out.
  7. NitroHonda

    Credit check for employment

    Maybe he was "overqualified" for those jobs... especially considering the fact that he was coming off a solid job from his previous employer.
  8. NitroHonda

    Credit check for employment

    HOLY YES! This is one of the things that I really hate about my job. I have to listen to their issues and I am expected to solve their problems for them. It is an unfair burden to place on me. I have let an employee go in the past for this. He was frustrated because I wasn't giving him the hours...
  9. NitroHonda

    Credit check for employment

    Make attempts to pay your debt off. Even if it's only $5 at a time. It WILL weight in on how I guage your character.
  10. NitroHonda

    Credit check for employment

    irobot - im allergic to bullshit - YouTube
  11. NitroHonda

    Credit check for employment

    EXACTLY. It isn't about the number. A credit report is a great indicator of personal character. I would be able to see who's fallen on hard times such as KristinaB and whatnot and those who simply do not pay their bills. Seeing a huge hospital bill on there isn't going to make me reject an...
  12. NitroHonda

    What car color says about you??

    I have never picked out a color for a car. I just buy 'em cheap as long as they're runnig. I do have a couple decent cars but yeah I'm generally a craigslist $500 or $1000 car kinda guy. On the other hand... nothing but new and the best when it comes to my motorcycles.
  13. NitroHonda

    Pics of you - Part V

    I don't think you're mental. You're just European. Post some pictures, buddy!
  14. NitroHonda

    Fertilizer Plant explodes in West, Texas -- 60-70 dead

    Some warehouses that I stripe... they do not allow electric stripers so I have to use Co2. Why? Explosion hazard. I say they're morons because the paint I use is highly flammable. I have to ground my machine at all times when spraying concrete. Sometimes their "safety" procedures go against...
  15. NitroHonda

    Enrolling KODAs in a State Deaf School's PreSchool Program?

    No but your children qualify for EIC. Get with your local school district and get tghem started on speech therapy. I also have a CODA.
  16. NitroHonda

    Deaf parents beat five month old baby girl to death due stop her cry and cant hear

    Hector is someone we have met on more than one occasion. I saw him get completely bombed at the Deaf club. He's a definite alcoholic. He is certainly what one would consider "low-functioning" but he always seemed like a nice guy. That being said... Kill them both.
  17. NitroHonda

    Most Challenging Job You Ever Had...?

    I'm sure it's a longshot but any chance you could give me any insight on how I can fully utilize what the BBB has to offer marketing-wise? We are an accredited business as of April third. Shoot me a PM if that's what it takes. I'd appreciate ANY kind of advice or input.
  18. NitroHonda

    Pics of you - Part V

    He kept pointing and saying... "That's not good enough! Do it again!" He's been watching me chew out my crew. Lol. He's a natural at being a CEO.
  19. NitroHonda

    Honda Civic: "CHECK ENGINE" light on

    I have a F-250 myself and am planning to upgrade to an F350 or F450 or similar size as I am not limited to Fords but I am certainly commited to buying American. I wouldn't expect it to be a perfect system for sure but I will do my best to make sure as much of it goes back into our communities...
  20. NitroHonda

    Mother's day

    Happy mother's day all. I'm gonna call my dad and then my brothers in a few minutes and we'll talk about memories of ma for a bit. She passed way too young. This is our second mother's day without her. I miss her terribly. We all do. She was a saint. Then...Then after my wife wakes up, we're...