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  1. NitroHonda

    Married, but....

    We're not all bad! This has happened to both me and my wife. First it was her losing interest in me then later on in life... it was me losing interest in her. I wouldn't say losing interest per se but I think you catch my drift here. Sexual attraction was elsewhere. Anyway... neither of us...
  2. NitroHonda

    Calvin! Calvin! Calvin! Something trouble is brewing here!

    LOCK THIS THREAD!! :giggle: HBD!
  3. NitroHonda

    Is deaf allows to get a job for model?

    caz's question stands. :lol:
  4. NitroHonda

    Bathrooms and basin photos here!!

    Lacquer thinner. I'm a painter so... nothing but lacquer thinner for me, my good sir.
  5. NitroHonda

    Bathrooms and basin photos here!!

    We have something like that. It's been broken for the last six months though! DAMN KIDS! That's all I gots to say about that! I need to get it fixed but my wife hasn't found the colors that she likes.
  6. NitroHonda

    Why Teaching Is Harder Than It Looks

    We oughta swap our congressmen's payrate with teachers. Mad respect for all you do. I could never be a teacher. I simply don't have the patience.
  7. NitroHonda

    Pics of you - Part V

    I am glad you checked them out! I actually post videos on my personal facebook page. I will be putting those on my blog. If you are interested in seeing them, let me know and I'll post them here! They're in ASL!
  8. NitroHonda

    Pics of you - Part V

    Looks like he married into the right family. That's a Rolls.
  9. NitroHonda

    Pics of you - Part V

    I haven't been on here in a while but that's only because we've been so busy at work! This summer has been CRAZY! Anyway, I wanted to show y'all my crew. Proud to be 100% Deaf-owned and employed!! We're going to be in US Pavement's calendar for 2014 and this is the picture being used. I don't...
  10. NitroHonda

    Texas prepares to execute 500th inmate

    Little Nicky - Hitler Scene - YouTube
  11. NitroHonda

    VRS spam mail?

    I don't see it that way. I would be more than happy to pay for services. I want them to keep removing barriers. Unfortunately, it comes at a cost which puts me in a dilemma because that cost is... integrity. I have been cc'ed some of their internal emails. By that I mean... somehow my name got...
  12. NitroHonda

    Texas prepares to execute 500th inmate

    Dude... you have VERY little sense of humor. Don't be so serious all the time. Lighten up a bit. Smile.
  13. NitroHonda

    Texas prepares to execute 500th inmate

    He's still killing bees with every sting they give. Remember... they die after stinging somebody. Lol.
  14. NitroHonda

    Texas prepares to execute 500th inmate

    This happened the other night. He is still on the loose.
  15. NitroHonda

    Texas prepares to execute 500th inmate

    I see who's side you're on. Man Beats Woman in Home Invasion - YouTube What these execution numbers don't show is how many of these criminals are deterred by responsibly armed people. And we are ARMED here. To the hilt!
  16. NitroHonda

    Texas prepares to execute 500th inmate

    Only 500? Damn. We gotta kick it up a notch, Texas!
  17. NitroHonda

    VRS spam mail?

    They cannot be trusted! Oh my god! Some of the stories that I could tell you... in which I won't because I support VRS companies in their endeavor of removing barriers. I do not want to hinder that progress. Some of them are real dirtbags though.
  18. NitroHonda

    Infamous 'Night Stalker' Richard Ramirez has died.

    I understand why they closed it. I also understand where they went wrong about it. Either way, I'm still around because members of my community are here. We just won't have insightful nor meaningful discussions much anymore. :(
  19. NitroHonda

    Infamous 'Night Stalker' Richard Ramirez has died.

    A major reason why I don't post much anymore. I got tired of sharing my time and thoughts (of which I value immensely) only to have a thread prematurely locked... again.... and again... and again. Such a shame... there's much that people here have and want to say... yet can't... like you for...
  20. NitroHonda

    Infamous 'Night Stalker' Richard Ramirez has died.

    I'm sorry if this... ... is considered punishment for gunning down 77 young kids. Helping him change the channel and giving him three sets of clothes? The reality is... prisoners will ALWAYS complain of something NO MATTER what and Breivik is living proof of that. When I hear them...