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  1. ITPjohn

    Good sites or books for learning asl? is a fingerspelling site and will help with receptive skills. OT: How far are you from Lexington? I live outside Paris and work in Mount Sterling.
  2. ITPjohn

    Star Trek Fan Films - Subtitles

    Another possibility You may want to find the DVD series Trekkies. It's hosted by Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar). It talks about how Trek inspired people's lives. I think there's been three so far. Here's some info on the first one. Trekkies - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
  3. ITPjohn

    Blind auto mechanic hires deaf assistant

    This story is from a few days ago. I like the boss' attitude and I'm suprised it wasn't posted earlier. Blind auto mechanic hires deaf assistant - Yahoo! News Blind auto mechanic hires deaf assistant Mon Mar 19, 5:16 PM ET Cars have been Larry Woody's life for more than 30 years. He...
  4. ITPjohn

    Star Trek Fan Films - Subtitles

    Trek links Here's a link to one series of fan films. I cleaned out my favs yesterday, so I know there's at least one more. Good luck with your project. Star Trek New Voyages You may be able to find something else on: TrekToday - the first and only daily updated guide to all things Trek...
  5. ITPjohn

    9/11 Mastermind Confesses in Guantanamo

    Goodbye Mohammed If he's responsible for even half the stuff he's confessed to, he needs to join Saddam.
  6. ITPjohn

    R2-D2 to collect mail

    Just saw this. Fascinating. `Star Wars' droid R2-D2 to collect mail - Yahoo! News `Star Wars' droid R2-D2 to collect mail 2 hours, 16 minutes ago Thirty years ago, in theaters near and far, far away, a movie opened the imaginations of millions, combining the magic of mythology and...
  7. ITPjohn

    NYC livid over attack on 101-year-old woman

    I heard about this story on the news and wanted to scream. The thug could spend less than a year in jail for this cowardly attack. Where's the justice? I know what I'd do if this happened to MY mom ... no more Mr. Nice Guy. NYC livid over attack on woman, 101 - Yahoo! News NYC livid over...
  8. ITPjohn

    Is Danville deaf-friendly?

    Jolie Does Danville have more Deaf than Lexington or Louisville? I haven't heard.
  9. ITPjohn

    NEW!! Survivor 14~ Fiji Islands....

    Close call I almost missed last night's show. DirecTV guide said that college basketball game was on instead... March Madness indeed. I won't give away what happened, but there were two suprises in the previews for next episode. The next show won't be on until Wed March 21 and the tribes are...