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  1. dsw61

    How many do you have sibling

    i am older sister and my brother is second and my sister is youngest. i am 43 and he is 42 and my sister about 39 i think.
  2. dsw61


    I just wash the clothes once a week (just start to wash) and now it is huge pile of dirty clothes I can't keep up to get it done. I had to sort it out the clothes for whites, colors, jeans, sweatclothes, delicate whites, delicate colors (dresses or sweater), work shirts and work jeans and bed...
  3. dsw61

    Household chores

    I am not fan of the house cleaning duties that I am housewife with 2 daughter teenagers that I am trying to teach them to learn the life skills to clean up after themselves, I feel that they are old enough to learn to use it for their later life. It's okay for me to do it when I have the...
  4. dsw61

    Where R u from? Poll

    came from california
  5. dsw61

    Anyone from California?

    I am from central valley (tulare county) and has been living there all my life.
  6. dsw61

    Grocery Shopping

    In California, my town has the Savemart I always shop there, and once a while I go to Costco. There is Target and Walmart for dry food items only and milks and sodas. That's it.
  7. dsw61

    Are u rather to live in Hawaii?

    Yeah I would love to live in Maui or Ohau that would be fun for nice weather year around. But....everything are expensive for gas or foods and pays for the house property that's a lot of money!!! I did went there in 1993 for our family vacation together (my husband's family) for first time and...
  8. dsw61

    Pros and Cons of living in the country?

    I have been in country all my life since i was baby, I just used that way I was grown up in my hometown before I got married and move in different town in country area. I like the slow paced driving and laid back people that I like to relax a lot better than living in the city that's scare me...
  9. dsw61

    how do u like your steak?

    I like my steak medium with bbq sauce that my husband fix it for me and he like rare that's all he can use the bbq outside but I don't know how to use the bbq stand so I quess I will have him to teach me how to use it.
  10. dsw61

    Straight, Curly or Wavy Hair?

    I born curly and has been naturally curly all my life and I was in my teens and I did my hair went straight from my mom who was the hairstyler (lucky I get free style and haircut) and then I was in college, I just stop using the straight stuff and let my hair go naturally curl and now I like to...
  11. dsw61

    Why Afraid Of Get Married With A Hearing? Why?

    I am born deaf and recently got my ci last april 2004 and I have been happy married to my husband who is hearing for 20 years and we have our 2 beautiful daughters and I have learning a lot to deal with him to understand him after he is patience explaining to me about what's going on for...
  12. dsw61

    What kind of brand bottles did you had when you had bab(ies)?

    my firstborn daughter used the playlex bottles and I use the emafimil formula for one year. she is now teenager at high school. and my second born daughter has been breastfeed for one year because I was didnt know how to stop breast fed her so I did call the nurse at my doctor about that so now...
  13. dsw61

    Is it necessary to have CI operation on one ear?

    I had the cholear implant in my left ear because it is not impossible to have both ears in same time. Someone told me that he was told by a person who has one that all the CI people had their left ear only not right ear. I was born deaf and has been wearing the hearing aids all my life until...
  14. dsw61

    Hey howdy hey from Central Calif

    Hello! Hello! I am new to join the all deaf. com for my first time and I like to chat with deaf people to keep me company. I was born deaf and has been worn the hearing aids all my life until I got my first time coalear implant on my left ear since April 30, 2004 that's my one year anniversy...