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    Gallaudet at risk of losing accreditation

    And to think I used to think i would go to Gally.. Guess i'm glad it didnt.
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    Pop Trip

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    Would this have offended you???

    I find that small bookstores tend to classify things such as deafness, blind, etc. to be related to health sections. The store's probably not big enough to classify a whole section to deaf culture. So no, I would not be offended.
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    Cat get owned by Ape

    Def. looks fake, but still worth a laugh.
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    Wedding ring

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    ASL, SEE Sign, & Signed English

    Mhmm, people can be so rude sometimes... There's been times where i've wanted to rip someone a new one...
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    First experience with ASL

    I remember when I took Spanish I and II in high school. (small school, where NO ONE took the class because they wanted to learn the language). It was the only foreign language credit possible, so it was required to be taken. Sure, someone might remember a TINY bit of stuff from the class, but...
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    how old you when you become deaf or hearing loss

    Born with it, just was. Hard of hearing left ear, deaf in right ear.
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    You hate me?

    Heh, makes me wish I went to the asl classes there... They were too expensive though, so I didn't do it.
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    New Bill Could Limit The Deaf Community’s Ability To Communicate

    Politicians are very stupid though, and yep this is the wrong way to fix the interpreter shortage. Hey Tweety, or anyone in Huntsville, ya know how that AL terp training program thing is going along?
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    Wish? Hungry?

    yes, when you're hungry, don't say horny. lol.
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    California may ban conventional lightbulbs by 2012

    I'm thinking that if there was a ban on it, I believe they would solely target banning companies from making them. If the production of them stopped, the lightbulbs already made would burn out shortly after. Once they ran out, they would have to buy a idfferent kind.
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    **Those Born 1930-1979**

    I remember when they made it illegal to ride in the back of a truck. x.x I wasn't old enough in the 80's. survived the 90's... gahhhhh... x.x
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    Deaf Humor Video

    Watching that hurts my hand...
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    19-year-old faces murder charge in road rage case

    o.o if this guy's in 15 years, he'll get out when he's roughly 45 with no outside of jail life experience... 19 yr old... i mean, he's a man at this point, but if possible give him some damn help... we don't need 45yr old idiots who been in jail half life on the streets..
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    Text Messenger Walkee-Talkees

    Well, as far as range, walkies can span miles. "Why not just use sidekick?" Some people are incapable of switching service providers, or don't have the money. since i hear it is affordable, i would like to get one. Even for hearing people, txt'ing through walkies is much easier, due to...
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    Top 10 Posters v.alldeaf

    ok, time for a 3 digit number...... #355!
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    Deaf people and guitars.

    Get an electric guitar tuner. As long as it is functioning properly, it should not fail you.
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    Alabama, Alabama... WHOOO!

    I got a picture of a fallen snowman with the captions: "Man down! I repeat, Man Down!" on my cellphone. funny too. I wish I could get it on here.