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    Poston's ASL Class what do you think?

    So, Poston, what age class are you teaching? How come
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    Picture Battle

    time to clean!!
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    Forest Grump Gets A Sequel

    Well dumb and dumberer also went back in time as a prequel... so Jim Carrey would have been a harder fit. Anyway, I can't see a sequel being made of this movie. o_o
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    What was your craving when you were preggy?

    I'm a guy, I get cravings on occasion... Right now i'm craving chocolate covered homemade creampuffs.
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    Not deaf yet but soon

    Hmm, I would take advantage of learning sign language, while you have hearing left. Welcome to AD ^_^!!
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    odd VRS commercial

    Hurry Up! - slow video interpreter - Google Video I'm not sure how to embed google videos... so *Shrug*. Anyway, odd commercial there. No sound, and signing is captioned
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    Did many girls take serious study at Gallaudet University?

    Yea, it happens at any college. Not just Gally.
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    TORNADO hit High School in ENTERPRISE, AL kill 13

    Latin Root Translation Example cumulus heap fair weather cumulus stratus layer altostratus cirrus curl of hair cirrus nimbus rain cumulonimbus anyhoo... I blame Mother Nature. lol... I shall sue for. . .50 million dollars!!11
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    TORNADO hit High School in ENTERPRISE, AL kill 13

    it's beautiful 60 degree weather here today. atleast i think. lol. feels good.
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    how can you tell....

    o.O ??? Most signs are physical characteristics that can't really be shown over a computer. But it's usually noticed by people you talk to, if they have a major change in typing pattern...
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    Blind Date

    Actually i dont think it made it to the air.
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    TORNADO hit High School in ENTERPRISE, AL kill 13

    I'm from alabama, so i guess I'll speak up. Huntsville, AL didn't get hit with anything threatening... We had tornado watches alllllllllll day... NW Al had tornado warnings though, like around Florence and such. That's all I know. I don't think Bham got hit with any tornados, but i could...
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    Shutdown Day - March 24, 2007

    Heh, I use computer with my schoolwork sometimes. Probably will be on it.
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    Feels so weird

    Oh, i can hear sound in it now, i just got it. It's just very weird having audibel sound in that one... Bleh, it's a weird question, disregard.
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    New Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium War

    I'm currently 10% done with my download... x.x I can't wait to play it.
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    Feels so weird

    I got a new hearing aid, one for my right ear. I took my old BTE for my left ear, a brand new ear mold for my right ear, and placed it in on my right ear which hasn't had a hearing aid in it ever, in my 19 years... How long does it take for your ear to get used to having sound in it? (Btw...
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    Through Deaf Eyes on March 21st at 9pm

    ah, Thankyou, I forgot when that was. :-)
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    Blind Date

    Dear god... You weren't kidding. lol. For those who need to know what was said... the two are in the car, apparently the guy is talking about his job as a banker... and the woman, apparently doesn't want to have dinner, or socialize and just wants to get nasty.... gahhghghghghghgggggggg
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    Deaf doesnt have to finger spell names

    hello is hello. Once a person knows someone's name, they don't have to re-sign it every time.