Search results

  1. K

    What is your nationality ?

    am spanish/american (hispanic)
  2. K

    I'm back again

    welcome back to AD spicy!! hugs
  3. K

    I admit, Part 12

    yummmmyy not invite me n punkywolfy?? wahhh! lololololol u mean chicken quesinlla (sp?) lolz
  4. K

    I admit, Part 12

    I admit.. I undy how u feel and im being netural heh :) *hugs*
  5. K

    I admit, Part 12

    Ohh damn it thks remind me i ll ck out here...
  6. K

    Extreme makeover with Marlee Matlin

    That show is awesome and very heartwarming.. my roomie PW and I enjoy watch that show last night... thanks to TB informed us... while we was on VP with a friend..
  7. K


    happy birthday horselover.. have a blast one..
  8. K

    I admit, Part 12

    I admit.. did the laundry.. my knee seems lil better since i force my knee to be strengthen down and talked with my doctor so he advised me to continue other medicine as well that i didnt know thta i can continue right after surgery.. oh well... browsing tagdeaf and myspace as well...
  9. K

    Have you got broken or sprained

    yea broke my left wrist n arm in 1999 at old job now i have injure knee from fall *smh*... oh well ...
  10. K

    What is your favorite states so far?

    well well well not sure yet... i born n raised in california as well.. now i current live in alabama .. i dont know which state is my favorite.. really its no difference..
  11. K

    Bad Accident!

    ouch... hope u have speedy recovery...
  12. K

    Hi, I'm Stacy from Nor. Cal.

    welcome to AD enjoy the stay n posting..
  13. K

    I admit, Part 12

    I admit.. I come online to ck emails n postings in some websites.. talkin to some friends on aim..
  14. K

    Have you ran into Jevonah Witness people?

    Yes i do been met by mormons jevonah witness and etc... but i dont judge anyone as well... its up to ppl and God that all i can say... Im myself as christian as well.. I do believe in God n Angels...
  15. K

    I admit, Part 12

    I admit... after my knee surgery im not doing well it been painful alot and hardly walk ugh!! am been thru diffuclt times lately w moods and all that.. so bear w me since i dont come in much... take care ya all... bye for now..
  16. K

    Hey Sweety TweetyBird....

    congrats TB wow lot of postings... coolz
  17. K

    I admit, Part 12

    I admit.. im dealing with sharp pains on my knee... am doing ok... have a good wknd...
  18. K

    Happy Birthday To ONE Of My True Bluesy Friend!!

    Happy Birthday Ang... Hope u have a blast one.. wish we could celebrate with ya but there will be one day ! would like take u out for dinner as well.. HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KRosy
  19. K

    I admit, Part 12

    Hi everyone... Im here for short time since i still not feel good w lot of pains on my knee from surgery iits so frustrating.. been resting n sleeping n evelate my knee up etc etc.. i will start phyiscal therapy next wednesday the same time i go see dr again for remove stitches soo take...
  20. K

    Who have you met or would like to on AD?

    I know BabyAngel.. TweetyBird.. Punkywolfy.. Rebelgirl.. before I join AD I would like meet ADers someday...