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  1. F

    Why/how is deafness a fad?!

    Doubt oral schools can do a comeback, because of the glaring disapointing results for a whole century. Instead of oral schools, deaf school with voice tutoring as one of several choices is a more realistic option nowdays. This is also what we see some places now. Funny is, this is how they...
  2. F

    Why/how is deafness a fad?!

    Understand now, thanks for explaination!
  3. F

    Why/how is deafness a fad?!

    Don't forget mainstream programs with asl or charter schools that are on the rise? Don't know the American deaf ed system, so curious if you are saying that students are transferred from state deaf schools to schools like Clarke? Clarke still alive?
  4. F

    Why/how is deafness a fad?!

    I can't disagree with what you describe, this is indeed true in denmark and Netherlands. But other countries fare a bit better, from what I've seen. Sweden, Brazil, Japan, Uganda are places that isn't that bad I think. And I believe the harder oralism hit deaf kids, the harder they will hit back...
  5. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    GrendelQ for sure don't live in the DC area if you are right, but only know perhaps know some illiterate, in ASL and english, deaf freaks living out in the wild? Or something like that, is that your point?
  6. F

    Why are you deaf?

    I've built up enough good karma in previous lives to be born as deaf in this one. Nothing comes free!
  7. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    The deaf community have allways been spot on with CI. Telling us that most deaf people don't know what CI is a grave insult and audists. I have friends and relatives with CI, and I still oppose it as necessary in many cases. As a professonial, I met houndreds of parents each year, and know for...
  8. F

    Why/how is deafness a fad?!

    I imagine that those kids have better access to ASL than before, thorugh what some here call an ASL fad(media exposure, academic interests, baby signing), that I interpret as the slow death of oralism. Not trying to convince you that I'm right, just trying to challenge the idea that what we see...
  9. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    Good analysis. It's a time for everything, guess he hasn't noticed the world have moved on.
  10. F

    Cued speech vs ASL

    Loml, long time no see. Nice try to create a new user. Angiemayer, this poster is working for National Cued Speech Association, so you should take everything he says with a grain of salt. Cued Speech is easier for you in the short run, like a few weeks, but the changes is it will suck for...
  11. F

    Why/how is deafness a fad?!

    Back with vengeance, where?
  12. F

    Why/how is deafness a fad?!

    Deafness is not a fad, it's oralism as a fad that is dying. Oralism is so yesterday, making deafness with SL look hotter than ever.
  13. F

    WFD now bans "deaf-mute" and "hearing impaired"

    Hearings gone deaf are deaf people with damaged hearings? Born deaf and late deafened. Residudental hearing? My English sucks, but my question is do we really need the term hearing impaired? Can we get rid of t the same way we can trade deaf mute with voice off visualizer? You raise some...
  14. F

    WFD now bans "deaf-mute" and "hearing impaired"

    You have a point there. I just liked that they didn't necessary look at deaf people as dumb, but didn't know how to figure out if a deaf person is sane or not. That's includes a lot more self insight than some hearing psychologist display when when trying to diagnose a deaf person. Still...
  15. F

    treatment among your friends with c.i.

    This question is not raised for me, who hasn't CI, so excuse if this post is off topic. Just want to say that I've experienced 90 percent of the deaf people I know who got CI exaggerating what they can hear, or even lie they can hear something even if there is no sound there. I don't know why...
  16. F

    WFD now bans "deaf-mute" and "hearing impaired"

    The reason the jewish laws are of interest, is the role of judeaism as the religion christianity and islam got a lot of their ideas from. But I haven't seen any religion threat deaf people worse or better than otheres. Overall, it's several ways to interpret any holy scripture or law. Does mute...
  17. F

    AFA Denounces FDAs Approval of Newborn Stem Cell Experimentation

    I love AFA as a response to audism, but one have to ackowledge their limits. They are a response, not a political party that aim for ruling US. Their response can be messy, but that's because they reply to somthing that is pretty screwed, audism. My to rupees.
  18. F

    WFD now bans "deaf-mute" and "hearing impaired"

    Good question. I know no more than one can dig up with google and wikipedia. Can only guess it maybe was practiced by the israelittes around 400 BC, and continued into 500 CE when they became more known as judeans or jews. Maybe some communities ruled by rabbis continued that practice. Curious...
  19. F

    Why do Deaf people feel ignored by many?

    I'm guilty of this sometimes when I ask people who is easy to communicate with, leaving out hearies. But at family parties this is dumb and rude. Notice how I even generalise hearin people as not worthy of asking questions. Not proud of that. Grummer, do you have any threads where you present...
  20. F

    WFD now bans "deaf-mute" and "hearing impaired"

    IIRC, jews/israelittes divided between those who where both deaf and voice off, and those who could speak. Those who could speak had more rights. The reason was not that those who couldn't speak necessary was stupid, but it was hard for hearing people who didn't know sign language to know wheter...