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  1. F

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    No, I'm not. Pure logic is nonsense, and don't prove anything. But the irony here is that you even fail with logic thinking. Let's stop this waste of time yeah. Back on topic; would never consider CI for my kids because I feel kids are at a risk getting a weak identity, neither hearing nor...
  2. F

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    Don't take this personal. You will be fine! You can speak up for yourself, that's great.
  3. F

    does CI have forum outside of AD?

    Interrsting links. Too busy to explore them in depth, but at the first blog post I found, a mom explains how joyful she when her 5 year old kid can express he/she wants more pizza. Shouldn't she be crying? Talk about language delayed. Implanted since two years old I think, got 500 dollars from...
  4. F

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    I didn't give you admissions to make any statements. And why do you think I want to know what you belive in? Ur funny.
  5. F

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    You ain't the brightest guy around here, right? 1. Posts, inputs, observations, etc in this thread are not meant to be authoritative public statements. What a silly idea you have. 2. I'm a qualified professonial, who have studied and worked with this subject. We know you will make up rules...
  6. F

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    Know from talking with people under treatment from psychiatry, research done by real scientist I have met face to face, etc etc. I'm too lazy to explain to you how CI ends up getting a problem, but it does. I know, many more than me know, and that suffice for me. Not sure if I believe you not...
  7. F

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    Yes it's enough for me. I am aware of whats in between.
  8. F

    CI users and the Deaf community

    Not sure what you ask about. Doubt deaf community have all the answers. A question is also how parents react to the deaf community. What do they want from exposure? Do they have their own ideas how a community should react to this or that? Think you have to ask everyone involved, included the child.
  9. F

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    By comparing those who have and not.
  10. F

    Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

    Simple answer: no. Seen too many fucked up teenagers with CI.
  11. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    Cloggy is extrapolating questions and answers, but good question. One can discuss what kind of pressure he puts on his daughter by makin claims like this on Internet. Am i allowed, with deep concerns, to use "possible case of abuse", without getting banned, naisho? You can check his blog, his...
  12. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    That answer tell me you didn't understand the post. Never mind.
  13. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    Parents have been saying those things for years, and hoh/deaf people have been unhappy how they were raised for years. Time to move on anyone? No? Ok
  14. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    Perfect hearing skills is not necessary for perfect speech skills, and perfect hearing does not guarantee proper speech. Basic speech therapist knowledge. Learning deaf kids animal sounds has been part of speech therapy for a century, to train specific pronouncations. Dunno if your daughter...
  15. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    You can say it's like that for some parents, at least some in this thread are in danger of appearing that way. My point was however that not all parents necessary have a strong faith in what they did, but those who claim parents are able to do "informed choices", or claim they managed to do...
  16. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    True. Sociologists have found a lot of uncertainty among parents of deaf children, even after the decision was made. Just notice how perfect some parents here try to appear with their choices and how personal they take everything.
  17. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    I dunno, but I had expected a bit more from a CI success than making animal sounds.
  18. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    The maid has the advantage of not been caught in the emotional ASL vs oral drama that many parents are a part of, having bigger changes to make rational reflections.
  19. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    You don't have to go for 24 hours speech therapy to be an audist. Parents of bilingual kids can be audist as well.
  20. F

    Hearing people's view of CI

    So you are telling us to stop to roll eyes back along with stephanie21, and seriously listen to your dull ranting about staff members, bilingual schools and campers? It's a bit refreshing that a hearing people can roll eyes over those wild ideas many hearing people have about CI, too, you...