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  1. Peachy Lady

    Hi I'm new on here

    *rolling down red carpet* *drumming* Welcome to AD, Markie! :wave: Enjoy your postings:)
  2. Peachy Lady

    The Deaf Giantess

    Hi Markie, Welcome to AD!!! I have been your fan at DVTV for a year and a half. I always enjoyed watching your art videos with tall women in it. I also liked bug life with ants that you made videos. I was so sorry that you were banned from youtube. Too many closed mind people out there...geez...
  3. Peachy Lady

    *sticky* please pray my son Logan's health condition due fever sezuire.

    I will add Logan in my prayer list. You and your husband are in our prayers too.
  4. Peachy Lady

    I found it!! Gas Station shooting:

    Oh Cheri, I'm so glad that you weren't the one who were shot! That must have shook you up badly after you saw Mike on the floor. So sorry you had to see that. My prayers are with you and for Mike and his family.
  5. Peachy Lady

    My daughter, Alexanderia.

    She's sooo cute 6 months old baby! Can you post a picture of her in the yellow dress that I bought her? I wud love to see how she looks in it:)
  6. Peachy Lady

    Guitar Recital

    Are most of your family members deaf?
  7. Peachy Lady

    Oh My gosh! Saw White wolves roam in my backyard!

    Happy belated birthday to you, Whitewolves64. Glad to read that your wife gave you nice presents. Enjoy your presents! Don't drink the whole bottle of watermelon vodka all at once or you will make everyone deaf howling at the moon. LOLOLOL
  8. Peachy Lady

    How do you cope with Separation/Divorce?

    That's good comment, Jojo. I couldn't have said it better. JG, I'm so sorry that your husband is having affair:( My ex husband had affair too and I found this out about two weeks after we separated. This thread is about you, so I won't make a long story about mine. I truly feel for you, JG. Take...
  9. Peachy Lady

    Halloween decoration

    Everyone's decorations looks great! Liebling, I couldn't help notice, but I kept looking at your house interior decorations. Wow! Love that door with flowers on it. Did you make that? also fireplace and hall with gold thumbnails...did you do that too? As with past posts a year or two ago, I've...
  10. Peachy Lady

    Clergyman has surgery to remove potato from rear

    falling on the potato and it went up his azz while hanging up curtain being naked seems farfetched story cover up, don't u think?
  11. Peachy Lady

    Picture of Your Significant Other

    Lovely couple, Lev and Mayflower!!
  12. Peachy Lady

    Awwesome..(Update on Post #48)

    Congrats! You've been double blessed with twins!
  13. Peachy Lady

    Why was I fired?

    My goodness!! Imagine how long it takes to pee all those beer out, especially men:eek3:?
  14. Peachy Lady

    Police break up marriage of boy, 7, and girl, 4

    Sounds more like playing house, than real wedding. I can't believe that children that young get married....that's nuts!!!
  15. Peachy Lady

    Who is single here?

    Maria, I'm sure that your love makes you some wonderful meals and add love to
  16. Peachy Lady

    Who is single here?

    I'm so sorry JeepGirl that you are going thru your divorce.:aw:
  17. Peachy Lady

    Picture of Your Significant Other

    Maria, your love looks handsome! Would like to see a picture of you and him together as well:) Happy for you and wish you all the happiness.
  18. Peachy Lady

    Milwaukee wiscosin

    Welcome to AD and enjoy reading/posting the posts. :wave: I used to live in Racine, which is south of Milwaukee years ago, now live in Oklahoma. Best of luck to you as ITP student. Stick in there, socialize with deaf, deaf/blind daily if you can and you will do well. Deafies are the best...
  19. Peachy Lady

    Post your gas prices

    I just saw gas for $1.99 in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma! Yahoo!!!
  20. Peachy Lady

    Pics of Cave of Crystals Discovered 1000 Feet Below Mexican Desert

    When I saw the picture, I immediately thought of the old movie, The Journey to the center of the earth and Pat Boone acted in it. I see that Reba thought of the same movie as well. I loved that movie and would watch the rerun every year. The crystals in the picture were HUGE and beautiful...