Search results

  1. Peachy Lady

    I Rocked The House!

    Awesome, Ernie! You look good on the stage with ur guitar. Looks like u had fun...rock on bro!! If you ever plan to play in your band near Oklahoma, let me know:)
  2. Peachy Lady

    Shut up and sign!!!!

    All our five children have signed since they were about five months old and all of them are hearing. Sign language is their first language. The only time we ask them to sign 100% is during meal times. When they want to talk during meal times, they must sign. The reason for this is to keep...
  3. Peachy Lady

    work accident

    Seq, I'm glad you were not more seriously hurt like broken spine, etc. Whip lash is painful as I had it before. Electric therapy and massage helped me with the healing process. I jokily told my male massager that I wanna marry his hands! He was really good at Take it easy and rest...
  4. Peachy Lady

    2007 Christmas Cards Exchange

    I got cards from Angel and RR!!! Thanks so much :ty:
  5. Peachy Lady

    2007 Christmas Cards Exchange

    You're welcome, Angel and Koala!!! Looking for ur card in the mailbox, Angel but I know will get it very soon. :hug:
  6. Peachy Lady

    Ruining the spirit of Christmas

    Cheri, it sounds like your ex was trying to upset you by giving your son the games first because you told him to wait until you give the xbox gift to your son first. Since your ex did not respect your wish, perhaps you will need to ask your son not to let him in without you knowing first? I'm so...
  7. Peachy Lady

    2007 Christmas Cards Exchange

    Got beautiful card from Maria! :ty:
  8. Peachy Lady

    Who love Scrapbooks Book Album or others?

    DreamDeaf is really good at scrapbooking...the cards she sent me were soooo pretty and very talented! You could ask her about that, GalaxyAngel :)
  9. Peachy Lady

    how do you feel when you are out of love ?

    I'm sorry, Highlands for what you are going through. I like some of advices that ADers gave you as we do care about you too! Love is best when shared by two people who love each other the same way. Knowing you from chatting with you online, you are wonderful person that deserve to be loved by...
  10. Peachy Lady

    Elephant Stew

    Other words that looks like I love you is "island view." :)
  11. Peachy Lady

    Ron Paul 2008!

    U.S. Presidential Candidate Most in Favor of Raw Milk U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Texas) has introduced legislation (HR 4077) that would allow the transportation and sale of raw milk and raw milk products. His bill would remove an unconstitutional restraint on farmers who wish...
  12. Peachy Lady

    Who got snow?

    We had bad ice storm here in Oklahoma and we lost power three times. The longest time we were without power was for 8 hours. Some people I know was without power for a whole week and still is without power. Lots of trees were broken down by the heavy weight of ice on its branches. Last night we...
  13. Peachy Lady

    Is it true?

    Happppppppy birthday to you, Kalista! And many, many more!!
  14. Peachy Lady

    2007 Christmas Cards Exchange

    Thanks DreamDeaf and Mizzou for cute pix christmas card!:ty:
  15. Peachy Lady

    Possible move...

    NS, after the farm is sold, you can buy a house that you like to live in. Life always changes and I wish you blessings in starting new chapter in your life. I understand that it is hard to leave the farm as it carries so many memories.
  16. Peachy Lady

    Jodie Foster Comes Out?

    I've always wondered if Jodie is lesbian. Now I know for sure. I've always enjoyed watching her act in her movies since she was in Disney movies too, Mizzou.
  17. Peachy Lady

    What a bad day *sigh*

    I'm sorry that your hands got burnt and am glad it is not more bad burnt. It sure scared you (and your cat too). And I'm sorry that your friend died. What a bad day for you :(