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  1. C

    2009 day of silence.

    My step daughter takes part in this. Has for 2 years and I'm sure she will again this year.
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    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

    Good Evening all. I'm sitting around waiting for kids to be picked up by their dad..
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    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

    Good night..sleep well and have a good day tomorrow
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    Guess What... Whose Birthday Today!!!

    Happy Birthday ALL!!
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    Counties hike sales tax, feds hike tobacco tax

    I am a smoker and don't appricate paying 54 dollars for a carton when before they were 34. It's supid..I feel the same thing about Dr. Pepper. I notice one week I"ll pay 98cents for a two liter the next week it's up to 1.48. WTF..Just cause I gotta pay more doesn't mean I'm going to quit.
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    World's Dirtiest McDonald's Restaurant!

    Wow!! Ewwww
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    Modern Tech & Ethics: Is artificial insemination of the dead OK?

    I think this raises alot of question. It depends on how old the son was, if he was old enough did he have a wife or a girlfriend..did they want on and so fourth. But if the mother wants to have a complete stranger carry her grandbaby or if she wants to that is unethical
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    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

    speaking of hair..this morning I swear I had to brush my hair out a hundred times. I went to my neighbors and she looked at me weird and said that my hair was just all kinds of bad..I told her that I've brushed it a million times already and she said it looks like I just rolled out of bed..I...
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    Oral school

    Here's my opinion on it based on what I've seen in Chris up to this point. Much like must of your parents where like. I suppose you could say I was in denial when we first found out Chris was HOH. I wanted him in a normal school like normal people. So I signed him up for Pre-K in a normal class...
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    American and English/Aussie words

    this is interesting
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    Pillow Fight, Anyone? :)

    sounds like fun to me..hell of a mess though
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    10 stupidest laws you may encounter abroad

    Those are funny thanks for sharing
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    Purple home has neighbors seeing red

    I guess I'm the only one who thought it was pretty
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    Saying Goodbye to Tigger :(

    Hear Again, I'm sorry to hear about Tigger, my thoughts are with you. It sad when you have to say good bye to a pet. Hugs
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    Duggars Family... When Will It End?

    I guess I miss alot by not watching tv..I pretty much live in the same town and didn't know about the up coming grandbaby..hehe
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    No one in Texas wants to hire an interpreter!

    I suppose the title should state some doctors in San Antonio won't hire.... Seeing how some people in other areas of Texas isn't having problems. I lived in San Antonio for about 2 years it is a pain in the ass to use their systems but that's such as life. You either fight for it or you...
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    Mommy Makeover?

    The one thing for sure is that even after having 3 kids I weighed 95lbs the day I got married 3 years ago. I gained 30 pounds during that time. I don't think the kids gave me the however they gave me the stretch marks, that I am proud of b/c it is what I have left to show for my...