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  1. C

    why it's hard to meet a decent guy online

    There are some decent people online. I've met a couple of people online (years ago) that were good guys. I'm one of these type people that don't like to get out and about to meet people. As long as you are safe about doing so it's just like meeting someone at church or a local event. You still...
  2. C

    What is your Chinese Zodiac Animal (and element)

    Sign: Sheep Element: Earth
  3. C

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

    Good Morning ALL!! Getting the kids off to school and go back to bed. Stayed up WAY too late last night..ooops
  4. C

    Have you ever had someone that made you feel super special?

    I know the feeling JL. I do have one friend outside of the world of the internet. But someone here on AD who helps to..:lol:
  5. C

    Have you ever had someone that made you feel super special?

    After being put down for 7 years it's really nice to have someone lift you up. I just thought I would say that. It's also amazing how songs have that affect on you as well.
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    Moms spill truth about motherhood

    Everyone is correct. Being a mother is a tough job. While I was married I had the demands of my husband, my children and my job where I was assistant manager. I was always the one that had to take kids to school, therapies and work 50 hours aweek. And the husband still demanded sex. Geez!! So...
  7. C

    What do you do when someone HAS your DOG?

    Was the dog micro chipped..that might help too
  8. C

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

    I'm going camping too!! My oldest son and I are going to a cubscout campout..And I'll be turning 30 too this't know what to think about that
  9. C

    "Raising Isaiah"...true story

    I have the movie..I think I'll watch it again
  10. C

    Weird thoughts..and the process..

    As anyone ever had a random off the wall thought pop into your head?? And then later asked yourself "what was that all about".. I had that moment just now and I'm think what the crap..maybe others have to:hmm:
  11. C

    What are you thinking about?

    baby oh baby hold me love me kiss me..oh baby..
  12. C

    "That is gay!"

    it depends on the context it is used. If it's meant to offend then it pisses me off. If it's obvious that there's something over there that's funny or of sorts then it's okay..just depends on how it's used
  13. C

    Paddys Fingers

    I laughed out loud on that one
  14. C

    UA: Overweight Passeners charged 2 seats

    I use to get a kick out of asking tall guys (my friends of course) hows the weather up there! One of them actually put me on top of a school bus and said see for your self..I was 4'7"
  15. C

    Cheerleader Coach Fired After Posing Nude

    I've always been comfortable enough in my relationships that it doesn't matter to me if they read stuff like that as long as they don't screw someone else.
  16. C

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

    My ex husband's insurance didn't cover Chris' HAs and we are in Arkansas