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  1. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    I wouldn't recomend it except for emergencies but have you tried the one handed method where you press the front sight or front edge of slide against a table or heel of shoe? Takes little stregth as you can press your body into it. It's best to let the muzzle slide off the surface and slam...
  2. jonnyghost

    Do you aim with one eye or both?

    I can't recall who but I remember showing someone how to shoot a rifle who turned out to be left eyed and right handed. I am right eyed and right handed but left eared and left footed so I ride goofy foot.
  3. jonnyghost

    FBI....Drug Trafficking

    :lol: true!
  4. jonnyghost

    FBI....Drug Trafficking

    Racist meth dealers. Bet thier mothers are proud.
  5. jonnyghost

    Why does the deaf community seem so closed?

    I'm just wondering. Did you try to talk to some people and they ignored you or something?
  6. jonnyghost

    New Project

    I got the 5x8 trailer so I could haul plywood and my new mower has a 54" deck so I'm glad I did. I did notice some 8' trailers are not 8' on the inside but mine just fits a sheet of plywood or sheetrock.
  7. jonnyghost

    Quack Quack!

    Happy birthday!
  8. jonnyghost

    New Project

    I was just freezing my butt off with the snowblower on the front of my tractor longing for the grass to come back. Mowing the lawn is like my zen meditation. Snow blowing is just cold! My father in law ordered one of the bolt together trailers online for a pretty good price. I thought it...
  9. jonnyghost

    'Affluenza' teen Ethan Couch detained in Mexico

    They got something in prizon that cures affluenza.
  10. jonnyghost

    New Project

    Takes me a few hours just to get started on a project. Maybe you could stop by my place next time you're feeling antsy to fix stuff :hmm: :lol:
  11. jonnyghost

    My dad died at 63 years old

    I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences.
  12. jonnyghost

    Could Maine's Food Stamp Solution Be Used Nationwide?

    No but $9 or $10 an hour is justified. Not a lot of options in a lot of parts of Maine. All the big manufacturers are gone. People need to get paid enough to get to work. It's not like we have public transportation.
  13. jonnyghost

    Could Maine's Food Stamp Solution Be Used Nationwide?

    How about raising the minimum wage. Working part time doesn't cover the cost of the car required to get a part time job and forget volunteering. This state is expensive. I figure it cost me $95 a week just to drive to work. 20 hours a week at $7.5/hour is only $150. So after expenses we're at...
  14. jonnyghost

    Some restaurant owners worry about customers openly carrying guns

    Training is fun! :D:rifle::rl::rifle:
  15. jonnyghost

    Some restaurant owners worry about customers openly carrying guns

    Every situation is different and sometimes cops do cross the line but very often cops have a split second to determine what is and isn't a lethal threat. Later, with multiple camera angles, a rewind button and no adrenaline or fear it's a lot easier to judge. You can train to make fewer...
  16. jonnyghost

    Dsycalculia forum graphic

    Thank god for digital clocks and calendars! :lol:
  17. jonnyghost

    Dsycalculia forum graphic

  18. jonnyghost

    Dsycalculia forum graphic

    Sequencing is part of the phonological loop (part of working memory) mine is affected by APD. I have a very difficult time with sequencing days of the week, months, analog clocks, directions with multiple tasks and telling stories with the events in order.
  19. jonnyghost

    Some restaurant owners worry about customers openly carrying guns

    If guns are only for killing then aparently there are millions of broken ones in this country.
  20. jonnyghost

    Dsycalculia forum graphic

    :lol: I don't have dyscalculia but I have what ever it is when you can't recall nouns. I just can't remeber what it's called :laugh2: