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  1. jonnyghost

    Are Deaf people neurodivergent?

    You don't contract autism or dyslexia :lol: The brains of deaf people are the same as everyone elses. Some are autistic or dyslexic and some are "neurotypical". How they use them may be different. Culture and language differences affect how we think as well as sensory differences.
  2. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    You think there are people smart enough to manipulate the builders of Galileo into building a bomb to detinate Jupiter but not smart enough to know that you cant turn the planet into a sun? I already commented on his credentials. They don't give you top level clearance because you check a...
  3. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    So because one guy with no evidence says that a secret society working within the government tried to blow up Jupiter with 50 lbs of plutonium I should believe him? Just FYI you need about 80 times the mass of Jupiter to create the smallest red dwarf star. Jupiter isn’t massive enough to...
  4. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    Oh there are plenty of real government cover ups and screw ups. There are plenty of people that have been unjustly prosecuted for opposing the government. Cooper just isn't one of them. He's a total fraud. Everything he's ever claimed is based on the idea that he checked a specific box on his...
  5. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    There are plenty of people making claims just like Cooper. Why would the government go after just him? And if they wanted him gone why would they make such a spectacle of it? Why not quietly just make him disappear?
  6. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    We're talking about Cooper not Obama. Cooper didn't expose anything. The guy rarely left his house how do you think he could investigate all the things you just listed? Here is a great quote from Cooper that never came to be "The spacecraft called Galileo is on its way to Jupiter, a baby...
  7. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    He shot a deputy in the head.
  8. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    Let me put it this way. Why would anyone believe someone who has never produced one shred of evidence to support any of their claims, changes their story every time they tell it, is a known plagiarist/liar and a murderer.
  9. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    I didn't comment about ETs one way or the other. Just that what Cooper said was debunked. After his book many people pointed out that a lot of what he said was plagiarized. He was a low level clerk in the navy and didn't have access to top secret information. His statements about CNN being...
  10. jonnyghost

    Define patriot

    He also said aids was made to target blacks and his statements extraterrestrials where pretty well debunked.
  11. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    As long as you stay away from monster loads you can get a reduced power recoil spring that will make the gun much easier to rack.
  12. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    That is the down side.
  13. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    Real sights!
  14. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    Many of the Bond arms pistols are not what you might think of with a typical derringer. They are much larger and better built. I've fired some tiny derringers and they are difficult to shoot and load. Some of the Bond arms pistols have interchangeable barrels/calibers too.
  15. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    Another alternative to revolvers are Bond arms. I've heard good thins about them. They have small backup guns and some that are pretty large.
  16. jonnyghost

    Do you have a gun or shooting question?

    Pocket holster all day everyday. And sometimes I add a bigger gun that I carry IWB just behind the hip. I like leather but I see some nice looking kydex these days. I love the pocket holster/gun setup. It's easy to put your hand on your gun and just look like you have your hands in your...
  17. jonnyghost


    Prayers for fast recovery!
  18. jonnyghost

    Bill would allow SC teachers to carry guns

    Why would it be distracting? It should be concealed carry. And how would a student coerce a teacher into using the firearm?
  19. jonnyghost

    Bill would allow SC teachers to carry guns
  20. jonnyghost

    Bill would allow SC teachers to carry guns

    Who said it would stop all shootings?