Search results

  1. ohmylight

    Walk, Bike or Drive 1 mile?

    Maybe instead of changing your transportation habits change your clothing/bike habits to remove the extra time for changing etc.... to fix helmet hair wear a thick headband or use something like sea salt spray to freshen yourself up quickly and wear wicking clothing if you're spending time...
  2. ohmylight

    8 years old girl get pink rifles

    I'm not a big gun person - I don't hunt, I don't eat meat.... I just don't justify it as being important to me. Many of my friends are hunters.... and they got guns when they could hold them (because of the weight). If a gun is in my home (if for example Boyfriend decides to get a gun) I don't...
  3. ohmylight

    Entry Level Graphic Design Position?

    Also, a friendly tip, if you don't have a website/FB page, make one. It's the quickest way to send your work to people, and I noticed you didn't have any link provided in your post above. That's the biggest flaw I see in some people's advertising (take for example CL, which is BARELY...
  4. ohmylight

    "Party's Here..!"

    Welcome to AD. Party's already started on here :)
  5. ohmylight

    ATTEN: whoever!

    Another idea... What about meeting somewhere not in NYC but just a little bit north (cheaper, easier to park, and more in between NYC and Rochester so more ADers were closer)... There are mountains for skiing in the Catskills?
  6. ohmylight

    Marks on HA?

    I'm a little OCD about that stuff too... I like to keep things in good condition. Perhaps make your own skinit covers or use ear gear? My compilot takes horrible beatings... It's only a month old and really scratched up. I use an iPod sock for that. I use pink ear gear on my HAs and when they're...
  7. ohmylight

    AD's custom advertising question

    Were you talking with any ADers about Hispanic places, where they're from?
  8. ohmylight

    AD's custom advertising question

    The little voice inside my head is screaming "ayyyyyye Reba!" In a thick Mexican accent.... Hahaha
  9. ohmylight

    Entry Level Graphic Design Position?

    My best friend lives in NC and she's very involved with the arts. I also have a lot of NYC connections as a photographer if you want me to pass along your info. Graphic design is a hard and competitive field. Everyone thinks they're an artist and there's always someone willing to do the job...
  10. ohmylight

    Laws about driving and deaf drivers

    Good luck :)
  11. ohmylight

    ATTEN: whoever!

    That could be fun! For those who think parking is hard you can always park at a train station then ride one stop in. We do that for events parking at Poukipsee (I'll never know how to spell that town!)
  12. ohmylight

    Minature Pigs

    My friends sister had a hairless cat. It was cute. Her bf was very allergic.
  13. ohmylight

    What's your dinner tonight?

    BBQ tofu in the crock pot in blanched red peppers with either quinoa or rice - haven't decided yet! :)
  14. ohmylight

    Just breaking in from the wilderness, folks.

    Do you have pets?
  15. ohmylight

    Just breaking in from the wilderness, folks.

    Friends and boyfriend... And my furry children. Lol I have 2 cats and two dogs. I love my job (I'm a photographer... I get to play with puppies and babies for a living lol) and I love to run and rock climb as well as yoga (but I suck at yoga....)
  16. ohmylight

    Roku vs. Apple TV for Netflix Captioning

    You can also run your own captions with Handbrake/srt files/mp4 files for iTunes then stream them in appleTV... We do that :) boyfriend also set up a computer that will tape shows in windows media with the captions on them. The computer uses the TV screen as a monitor.
  17. ohmylight

    About to get my first hearing aides

    Did you get fun colors? Tehe
  18. ohmylight

    About to get my first hearing aides

    I used to go back and forth between contacts and glasses. Now I use glasses only when my hearing aid is out, and I use contacts most of the time. Less behind my ear :) There's a thread about hearing aids messing up your hair. Might help you if you get feedback or the kkkkkkkkkkkghdjghd sound...
  19. ohmylight

    Just breaking in from the wilderness, folks.

    Welcome! What gives your life purpose? (Kids, hobby, work, whatever)