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  1. babymakerdaddy

    ecards for the deaf?

    Thank you!
  2. babymakerdaddy

    ecards for the deaf?

    Anyone know of a web site with ecards that are for the deaf - using sign language - or something like this?
  3. babymakerdaddy

    Interpreting opportunity

    Starting in January, I get to start interpreting on a regular basis in my church. I will be doing simple things first, and working up to maybe one day doing the sermons.
  4. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf Activity in Rosemount, MN

    I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who showed up and made this an exciting night for us. We appreciate it very much.
  5. babymakerdaddy

    First time to interpret

    I had the opportunity to interpret in church for the first time on Sunday. Once in the morning service and once in the evening service. Starting off slow, and will work up to doing more later.
  6. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf Activity in Rosemount, MN

    Sorry this is so late in posting. I hope you can make it.
  7. babymakerdaddy

    The Christian Bear

    An atheist was walking through the woods, admiring the “accidents” that evolution had created. As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. Turning to look, he saw a seven-foot grizzly bear charging towards him. As he was running away, he tripped and fell...
  8. babymakerdaddy

    How common is your last name in America?

    mine is not listed
  9. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf Aware Fare - MN

    My wife and I are planning on going for a couple of hours, but that day is one week before our baby is due, so our plans might change. I know of a couple of other deaf people that will be there also.
  10. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf Aware Fare - MN

    Aware Fair 2006 Aware Fair 2006 FREE! An informational, social event for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafblind and Hearing People Saturday, September 16, 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Brookdale Center, Brooklyn Center, MN Entertainment Schedule 10:30 a.m. Just Mindy ~ Deaf Entertainer: Dr...
  11. babymakerdaddy

    Please Pray For my Aunt!

  12. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf Ministry @ First Baptist Church, Rosemount, Minnesota

    pek1 Just wanted to let you know what Esther said to me last night at church - for those of you who do not know, Esther is my 2 year old daughter. She saw Snickers and she looked at me and said, " 'nickers! I LOVE 'nickers!" Esther just loves to see your dog at church. Have a good day...
  13. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my kids

    We wouldn't sue any one over this. It's just not us to do that. As for changing the dates, since my wife is pregnant and due in mid September, we would not be allowed (by her mid-wife) to fly after July (due to difficult labors). We wouldn't want to take the risk of being stuck in an...
  14. babymakerdaddy

    what was everyones wedding song

    Ours was, "How Beautiful" by Twilla Paris (?). We had my wife's sister sing it, and a friend of our from a church in FL sign it. He is the director of the deaf ministry in the church.
  15. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my kids

    We did not get our kids vaccinated for 2 reasons: 1: The chicken pox vaccine is cultured in eggs. My son is allergic to eggs. 2: Like people have said, getting vaccinated doesn't mean that you will not get chicken pox. My neighbor told us this morning that she thinks that her son...
  16. babymakerdaddy

    Please, pray for my kids

    I was just told that my neighbor's son might have the chicken pox. You may ask, "Why then are we praying for your kids?" Good question. My wife babysits this boy 2 days a week, and he was over yesterday all day. My kids are 5 and 2 years old. Here is the big reason (and a little selfish)...
  17. babymakerdaddy

    Just wondering...

    pek1 has a service dog - Snickers - beautiful looking dog at that!
  18. babymakerdaddy

    Please Pray For My Friend's son

    I will keep him in my prayers.
  19. babymakerdaddy

    Deaf Ministry @ First Baptist Church, Rosemount, Minnesota

    Hey, Pete It is good to see you again in First Baptist Church! We surely do welcome you back with open arms and warm hearts. Snickers is always welcome, also. My daughter, Esther, sure would love to meet him! She love Tim's service dog as well. Rachel - it was good to see your sister...
  20. babymakerdaddy

    potty training tips?

    We had our son daytime trained by 14 months old. He had bowel troubles when he was younger than 14 months, so when he started to strain to go BM, we would put him on a potty ring on the regular toilet. It really helped him to be sitting down to go. Soon after we started this, he would go wet...